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Core Brown Bag Series


In a message to the SLU Community on Tuesday, Jan. 12, University Undergraduate Core Committee (UCCC) announced a Spring brown bag series. 

Read the Message:

Dear SLU colleagues, 

Happy New Year! I hope this message finds you well. 

Since March 2020, the University Undergraduate Core Committee (UUCC) has been working steadily to bring our new University Core into reality. The Core is set to launch for all incoming undergraduate students in the Fall of 2022, with a small pilot of the Ignite Seminar and Cura Personalis 1 planned for Fall 2021. I am writing today to outline both upcoming and ongoing opportunities for programs, departments, and instructors to begin designing and submitting Core courses and experiences for inclusion into the University Core. 

Mark your calendars: Core Brown Bag series

The UUCC is pleased to announce our Spring 2021 Core Component Brown Bag series, Tuesdays this Spring from 12:15-1:30 p.m. These sessions—led by our team of Core Associate Directors—will orient attendees to each Core component area and will provide guidance on how to submit courses / experiences to count for that area.

All are welcome; please feel free to leave early or arrive late as schedules permit:  Tuesdays 12:15-1:30 p.m. CST

All sessions will use this same Zoom link

Submitting Core Courses and Experiences 

Ignite Seminars: 

Thanks to the many faculty members who submitted Ignite Seminar proposals last fall. We’ve finalized our roster of Fall 2021 pilot Ignite Seminars (10 in St. Louis and 3 in Madrid) and have also begun to finalize approximately 70% of seminars to be offered in our 2022-23 launch year. In August 2021, faculty members will be able to again propose Ignite seminars to be offered in AY 2022-23 and 2023-4. This process will repeat each fall semester moving forward.

All other Core Component areas: 

The Office of the Registrar has been working closely with the developers at CourseLeaf, our new course management system, to optimize that system for Core submissions. As soon as this submission portal goes live, all units are invited to begin submitting courses (both existing and new) for inclusion in SLU’s new University Core. We anticipate that the portal will open no later than Feb. 1, 2021--please watch for an email announcement.

All submissions will require the submitter to complete and upload a Core Component SLO worksheet. Although CourseLeaf is not yet live, units / individuals can begin Core submission process by following this link to start completing the appropriate worksheet(s) now. 

Instructor resources for the Core can be found here. For a high-level overview of our new University Core, please visit SLU’s University Core information page. For more in-depth information on the Core process, including the full approved University Core curriculum, please visit the University Core pages under the Office of the Provost.

Finally, if you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to email us at 

With best wishes for a safe and happy Spring 2021 semester,