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University Sending Out Outside Interest Disclosure


This week, approximately 3,000 faculty and staff will receive an email request from a generic SLU account,, inviting them to fill out your 2021 Outside Interest Disclosure (OID). While the email address may be unfamiliar, the content will come from Ken Olliff, Vice President for Research and Partnerships, Jessica Evenson, Vice President for University Compliance and Ethics, and Dr. Christine Jacobs, Interim Vice President for Medical Affairs.

This email contains important information about the annual Outside Interest Disclosure process and its platform, InfoEd. Anyone who receives this email, is required to complete the 2021 OID no later than Aug. 6, 2021 to comply with the University’s Individual Outside Interest Policy.

Those who receive an e-mail with a request for an OID are asked to complete the disclosure whether or not they have any outside interests. It should take about 20 minutes to complete the training video and disclosure form. It is recommend using the Chrome browser to access both.

A guidance document is available.  Even if an employee does not believe they have a reason to complete a disclosure, if an employee receives the request to complete an OID, they are required to complete it.

Please access the needed form by clicking here  or through the “InfoEd” button in MySLU’s Tools section.

Saint Louis University, including its researchers, health professionals, and institutional officials, must balance many competing interests. The University and its members engage in relationships with a variety of external entities. In some cases, an individual outside interest may overlap with institutional responsibilities, and this overlap creates a conflict of interest (COI).

Mandatory annual reporting of outside interests seeks to ensure transparency, promote objectivity, and meet the requirements of federal laws. Annual disclosures ensure that conflicts of interest do not compromise the integrity of the University's primary missions, including the safety and integrity of its research, education, clinical care, and business activities.

For questions, information about the Individual Outside Interest Policy, information about responsibilities related to this policy, or to ask for assistance with the InfoEd Outside Interest Disclosure process, please contact

Someone also will be available during the following hours via Zoom to answer questions:

Please visit our website for links to the office hours.