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Ergonomic Solutions to Desk Jobs Webinar Will Be July 7


An ergonomic solutions to desk jobs webinar will be Wednesday, July 7, at noon. This short webinar focuses on the health of the SLU community as people return to campus this summer and fall.

The webinar will discuss the inputs into achieving “FIT” with the workplace environment, practical suggestions to improve your interactions with your environment, and exercises that will keep you moving and flexible. 

The webinar is presented by physical therapists who are faculty at the SLU Program in Physical Therapy and practice at the SLU Physical Therapy clinic which serves the SLU community located at Marchetti West. Anyone can register for the webinar here.

Questions are welcomed and can be asked during the webinar using the Q&A feature. Speaker Biography: Dr. Chris Sebelski, Ph.D. and Pam Abbott, PT, DPT, OCS. Dr. Sebelski and Dr. Abbott are both ABPTS Board Certified Specialists in orthopedic physical therapy practice and serve as faculty within the entry-level Doctor of Physical Therapy Program and the SLU-SSM Health Physical Therapy Orthopedic Residency Program. Each are engaged in clinical practice at the SLU Physical Therapy Clinic located in Marchetti West.