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Participants Needed for Online Concussion Research Study


Saint Louis University researchers are currently recruiting for participants who have at least one medically diagnosed concussion related to sport activity.

The study is investigating the psychosocial factors that influence treatment adherence and return to activity. Participation is expected to take approximately 20 minutes to complete a one-time online survey.

If interested, participants can enter into a 1/10 chance drawing for e-gift cards, as a thanks for participation.

To participate, you need to:

  1. Speak and read English fluently
  2. Age 18-25 years old
  3. Had at least one sport concussion that occurred from age 12 – present
  4. Have not sustained a concussion in the past 6 months
  5. Had no more than three concussions total
  6. Attended at least one doctor appointment associated with the concussion
  7. Lived or maintained contact with parents during the most recent concussion.

The study’s Institutional Review Board (IRB) protocol is #31657.

For more information or questions about the study, please contact the principal investigator Megan Ferber at 314-977-2507 or

If you are interested in participating in the study and meet the above criteria, follow the link to complete the study survey.