2020 Performance Evaluations: Webinar March 4 and Open Office Hours
Human Resources is looking to wrap up 2020 year-end reviews. To help with this process, HR is pleased to announce a webinar on Thursday, March 4, and additional support throughout the month of March for managers on completing their manager ratings.
Human Resources has advanced all incomplete self-evaluations to the manager rating phase of the process. If managers have not updated goals for their employees before the evaluation process started or during the self-evaluation step, there is still time to update, add and delete goals as necessary.
To help with this process, HR is pleased to announce a webinar and additional support throughout the month of March on completing manager ratings.
Human Resources will hold a live webinar demonstrating the process for completing and troubleshooting the manager ratings in the year end review process. It is scheduled for 11 a.m. Thursday, March 4.
This session will be recorded and made available to the SLU community.
Open Office Hours
HR will conduct open office hours with Workday Performance experts who can help users troubleshoot their specific Workday problems and answer questions. These will be held at 10 a.m. on the following dates:
- Thursday, March 11
- Thursday, March 18
- Thursday March 25