Message from Core Cura Personalis and Reflection in Action Director
Dear SLU colleagues - as we approach the end of what has been an intense semester for all of us, I write to draw your attention to a few important announcements regarding the Cura Personalis sequence and Reflection in Action component.
Cura Personalis 1 - Self in Community
We are seeking submissions from all walks of campus — a reminder that faculty OR staff with a Master's Degree or higher may teach a section of CP1. This is a foundational course for the Core, with all students sharing a common set of readings and experiences. Departments or programs are encouraged to submit CP1 sections that are tailored to meet the needs of their particular students, or you may submit as an individual to teach a general section.
Click here for the CP1 Submission Form. All submissions are due December 1.
Cura Personalis 2 and Reflection in Action
Similarly, all faculty and staff with a Master's degree or higher are encouraged to submit their courses or co-curricular programs for one of these 0-credit attributes. Courses carrying these attributes should be submitted via the traditional CourseLeaf system; see below for co-curricular submissions.
- Cura Personalis 2 - Self in Contemplation: Consider this as a "pause button" for your
students, giving them a time and space to reflect on their experiences at SLU thus
far, and how these may have impacted their values, vocational discernment, and resiliency.
The mental well-being of our students is of critical importance — now more than ever
— and Cura Personalis 2 puts this front and center.
Click here to submit a co-curricular CP2 experience. Submissions can be made on a rolling basis. - Reflection in Action: A hallmark of Jesuit education, RIA experiences call on students
to reflect on their learning outside of the classroom, and, more specifically, off
campus and in our communities. Service-learning courses, academic field experiences,
immersion trips, internships, and community service are all potential ways for students
to attain this requirement.
Click here to submit a co-curricular RIA experience. Submissions can be made on a rolling basis.
Cura Personalis 3 - Self in the World
A bookend to the Cura Personalis 1 course, this 1-credit seminar provides students with career development tools and skills, while also encouraging them to think more broadly about their place in the world. Students are asked to demonstrate how their SLU education — through the Core, their major/field of study and experiential learning — has uniquely prepared them for life after graduation.submitted here.
CP3 seminars attached/cross-listed with another course should be submitted through CourseLeaf. General sections not attached to another course (standalone) should bePlease reach out directly with any questions about these important parts of our new core curriculum!
All the best,
Bobby Wassel
Associate Director for Cura Personalis and Reflection in Action, University Core Assistant
Director, Center for Social Action