SLU Graduate Student Seeking Health Care Professionals and Health Care Students for Research Study
Hannah Fitterman-Harris, a graduate student at Saint Louis University, is seeking health care professionals (like physicians, nurses and physician assistants) and health care students to participate in a research study.
The purpose of this study is to determine whether a new survey accurately measures apparent and subtle forms of weight bias. Participation involves completion of an 8-15-minute, anonymous survey online.
A small donation will be made on participants’ behalf to a designated organization. Additionally, participants may choose to provide their email address via a separate survey link to be eligible to win one of six, $50 gift cards. For details about the study and to complete the survey, please go to the website.
This study has been approved by the Saint Louis University IRB (Protocol No. 30918) and the principal investigator is Hannah Fitterman-Harris. Anyone with questions, should contact Fitterman-Harris.