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Training Webinars Available for Supervisors Ahead of the 2021 Year End Review


As the University prepares for the 2021 evaluations and enters the third performance review cycle in Workday, Human Resources is here to help managers get prepared.

One of the key takeaways Human Resources heard during the first two evaluation cycles in Workday is that evaluations are much easier when they contain the right goals for the right employees. Inaccurate or outdated goals were a major challenge for completing both self-evaluations and supervisor evaluations during the 2020 Year End Review.

To help ensure that goals are current, correct and complete, Human Resources will be offering training and support for supervisors during the month of November. Check the most current HR Bulletin for the up-to-date evaluation timeline. Two webinars are being offered. 

Open Office Hours also will be available. Workday Performance experts can help troubleshoot specific Workday problems and answer questions. Anyone interested can register in advance.

Anyone with questions, should contact us at