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Billiken Career Closet Officially Launches


The Billiken Career Closet, a free professional clothing resource for all students, has officially launched in the Billiken 2 Billiken resale shop.

Students can take any professional clothing pieces from the Career Closet, free of charge. There will also always be donation bins stationed on campus in both Career Services (Griesedieck Hall) and the Career Resources Center (Davis-Shaughnessy 150). 

Billiken 2 Billiken is an on-campus resale store that sells gently used items to students at affordable prices.

This program aims to reduce waste by collecting items no longer needed by students at move-out and offering them to new/returning students the following year. Proceeds from the sale of the items will be donated to a student initiative.

The only items not accepted are food items. Food donations can be directed to Billiken Bounty and similar groups), used undergarments (including underwear and socks), and used hygiene products (open bottles of lotion, soap, etc).

Billiken 2 Billiken asks that clothing or linen donations be washed before donating whenever possible.

In addition to accepting donations and selling many types of items including futons, microwaves, minifridges, rugs, clothing, Billiken 2 Billiken will also have a bookshelf of textbooks that will be free for those who can use them. 

Billiken 2 Billiken Hours