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International Faculty and Staff Association Hosting Workshop on Lawful Permanent Residency


The International Faculty & Staff Association (IFSA) invites you to a virtual workshop on Lawful Permanent Residency in the United States. This event is Monday, Oct. 25, at 4 p.m. and open to all SLU community members.

International faculty, staff and students, and hiring administrators are encouraged to attend.

The guest speaker will be Bert Barry, Ph.D., IFSA President Emeritus. Barry was the Director of International Services at Saint Louis University. He earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in German and a Master of Arts degree in English from Washington University. He also earned a Ph.D. in English from Saint Louis University.

Topics to be covered include employment-based lawful permanent residency, family-based lawful permanent residency, and PERM (Program Electric Review Management).

For more information, visit the online registration form