University Core Hosting Teaching Roundtables
The University Core will be hosting the first of four teaching roundtables beginning on Tuesday, Sept. 14, from 12:15 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. on Zoom.
This first roundtable will feature four faculty members currently teaching pilot Ignite First Year Seminars in conversation with John James, Ed.D., Associate Director of the Core for the Ignite Seminar, and Gina Merys, Ph.D., Director of SLU’s Reinert Center for Transformative Teaching and Learning.
Featured speakers will be:
- Anne McCabe, Ph.D. (English-Madrid): Language Brings the World Around
- Mike Swartwout, Ph.D. (Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering): Living on Mars: Engineering for Wicked Problems
- Ness Sandoval, Ph.D. (Sociology and Anthropology) : The Ignatian City
- Mitzi Brammer, Ph.D. (Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences): The Power of Communication
The event will be broadcast on Zoom.
Upcoming Fall 2021 roundtables will focus on:
- Tuesday, Sept. 21, at 12:15 p.m.: Collaborative Inquiry courses with Equity and Global Identities Attributes featuring
four 2021-22 Core Curricular Innovation Faculty Fellows. The speakers will be:
Harold Braswell, Ph.D. (Healthcare Ethics): Dying with Dignity in the Gateway City
Gerardo Camilo, Ph.D. (Biology) and Dan Haybron, Ph.D. (Philosophy): Sustainable Happiness
Christina Garcia, Ph.D. (Spanish): Spanish for Health Professions
- Tuesday, Oct. 19, at 12:15 p.m.: Ways of Thinking courses with Equity and Global Identifies Attributes featuring 2021-22
Core Curricular Innovation Faculty Fellows. The speakers will be:
- Kenya Brumfield-Young (Criminology and Criminal Justice): Gender, Sexuality, and the Criminal Justice System
- Sridhar Condoor, Ph.D. (Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering): Innovation for Impact
- Rachel Lindsey, Ph.D. (Theology): Religions of the World
- Matthew Nanes, Ph.D. (Political Science): Nationalism and Ethnic Conflict
- Divya S. Subramaniam, Ph.D. (Health Data Science): Interprofessional Health Outcomes Research
- Tuesday, Nov. 16, at 12:15 p.m.: SLU-Madrid Core Course Development featuring SLU-Madrid Core Curricular Innovation
Faculty Fellows. The speakers will be:
- Ana Granados, Ph.D. (Mathematics-Madrid) and Ana Portilla, Ph.D. (Mathematics-Madrid): Math Media: Reading News with Mathematical Eyes
- Anne Dewey, Ph.D. (English-Madrid): Toward a More Perfect Union: U.S. Law and Literature since Brown v. Board of Education
- Fabiola Martínez Rodríguez, Ph.D. (History-Madrid): Art and Politics: From Goya to the Cold War
All roundtables will use the same Zoom link and will be recorded and posted to the Core Instructor Resources website.
Please contact Ellen Crowell, Ph.D., Director of the University Core, at with questions.