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Friday Speaker Series Continues With Ignatian Conversation


The Office of Mission and Identity will be hosting a Friday Speaker Series this fall beginning on Sept. 3 at noon with a Zoom meeting. 

The Society of Jesus is celebrating the 500th anniversary of St. Ignatius’ conversion with a year long celebration of the "Ignatian Year." The Friday Speaker Series this fall will focus on the Universal Apostolic Preferences of the Society of Jesus. How are we as a university and as individuals living the mission that has been passed on to us? 

The second event in the series will be an Ignatian Conversation.

May 20, 2021 marked the 500th anniversary of St. Ignatius of Loyola's conversion from nobleman and solider to pilgrim and spiritual director when he was struck by a cannonball in Pamplona. To commemorate this, the Society of Jesus is celebrating an Ignatian Year in which are all invited to participate. The Year which began in May, will continue through July of 2022 and conclude on St. Ignatius' feast day. 

The heart of Ignatian Spirituality reminds everyone to find God in all things. And for the Ignatian Year, the Society of Jesus encourages people to ask for the grace to see all things new in Christ. How can we see the moments, the encounters, and the people in our day to day lives in a new way, with the eyes of Christ? Join us as a panel of Jesuits discuss the significance of the Ignatian Year and how you can enter into it.

The panel of three Jesuits will be Fr. Matthew Baugh, S.J, Department Chair, Catholic Studies; Fr. Ronny O'Dwyer, S.J, Assistant Professor, Director Billiken Teacher Corps; and Fr. Dan White, S.J, Pastor, St. Francis Xavier College Church.

The event will be on Zoom and registration can be done in advance