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First Open Forum for Associate Provost - Undergraduate Education Candidates is Wednesday


Dear Saint Louis University Community,

The search committee for the internal search for the Associate Provost - Undergraduate Education has identified two candidates, Lisa Dorsey, Ph.D., and Cathleen Fleck, Ph.D., to move forward to the interview phase. 

 As a part of the interview process, the search committee is sponsoring an open forum with each candidate. Faculty, undergraduate students, and staff are invited to attend these events to hear a short presentation from the candidate followed by time for the candidate to respond to questions from the audience.


A CV for each candidate can be found by clicking the highlighted names. 


The open forums are in person, but we have a Zoom option for individuals who wish to attend remotely and a recording of each open forum will be available to faculty, undergraduate students, and staff upon request. The search committee will seek feedback from individuals who attend each open forum. A CV for each candidate is attached to this e-mail.


This is an important position for Undergraduate Education at Saint Louis University, and we encourage those of you who can attend to do so and to share your perspective with the search committee.


With Regard,

Kris L’Ecuyer

Search Committee Chair


Search Committee:  Lauren Arnold, Carolina Anzar, Barnali Gupta, Christa Jackson, Nori Katagiri, Debie Lohe