Volunteers Needed for Survey on COVID-19 Booster Vaccine Hesitancy
Student researchers at SLU are seeking volunteers to take part in a brief research survey to assess barriers contributing to future COVID-19 booster vaccines hesitancy.
Students who are above 18 years of age are needed. The purpose of the survey is to identify barriers faced by university students to potential future COVID-19 booster vaccines.
Understanding these barriers to booster vaccines will guide policymakers in putting forward mechanisms to address them for better uptake if more booster vaccines are approved in the future.
The title of this study is “Barriers contributing to future Covid-19 booster vaccine hesitancy among college-aged students at Saint Louis University.” It is being conducted by Ph.D. students comprising Geoffrey Kangogo, MSc, Department of Epidemiology. and Kenneth Kibii, MBA, Department of Health Management & Policy.
The responses will be collected anonymously, and participants may choose at the end of the survey to participate in a random raffle to win $20 Amazon Gift Card.
For any questions about this research study, please contact Geoffrey Kangogo at 314 229 0815 or Saint Louis University Institutional Review Board at 314 977 7744 with the reference number IRB 32617.
Click here for the online survey.