Welcome to Newslink: What You Need to Know
With the start of the fall semester approaching, many new faces on campus are receiving their first edition of Newslink. Here's everything you need to know about Saint Louis University’s official source for University-wide news, including significant administrative appointments, policy changes that affect the SLU community, and major campus events.
During the academic year, Newslink comes to email inboxes on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings. Newslink is made up of stories from the University’s Marketing and Communications team and submissions from readers.
How to Submit to Newslink
Submitting to Newslink is easy.
All faculty, staff and students of Saint Louis University are invited to submit items for consideration to run in the Newslink. A Google form can be found online. The form is open to all SLU users. To access the form, SLU users must be logged into their Google suite.
Fill out the form to submit the information.
The Google form does not allow for pictures. Any photos should be sent to Newslink@slu.edu. The photos should be of a high resolution. Photos with low resolution cannot run on the website. Newslink also can not run fliers because they are not accessible to people who use reading software.
Any links should be included separately and not embedded in the copy.
What to Submit
Every edition of Newslink contains links to campus announcements.
Announcements are the place to share information about news, upcoming events, symposiums, and other things going on that the University community should know about.
Included in that are any professional accomplishments that should be highlighted. Every month during the academic year, Newslink publishes Professional Notes — a round-up of awards, presentations, papers, and the other professional achievements of SLU faculty, staff members, and students.
Events for the Calendar
In addition to news and announcements, Newslink also includes a look at the University calendar.
The calendar is a highlight of events going on around the University. Users can submit events to the calendar by filling out the submission form. After submitting an event, user will receive a confirmation email and the event will be live on the University calendar.
As with the Newslink form, any links should be included separately and not embedded in the copy.
Anyone with questions can contact the Newslink editor at Newslink@slu.edu.