SLU Facilities Continues Work Towards Sustainable Lighting
The SLU Facilities Department, in its dedication to sustainable energy practices, is working on replacing the outdated lighting fixtures around campus with LEDs.
After completing the McDonnell Douglas Hall conversion, from fluorescent lamps to LEDs, additional buildings including Litteken Hall and Wool Hall were completed. Other LED retrofitting projects happening across campus include the parking garages, parking lots, and exterior lighting.
Currently, the top deck of the Olive-Compton parking garage is in the midst of being completed. There already is a stark difference in color between the old and new fixtures. In addition to the color, there also will be energy savings. This conversation reduces the watts from 14,752 to 5,258 which is a 65% reduction in energy usage.
This is a much more sustainable option for several reasons including a reduction of overall energy consumption, longer life, and better-sustained lumen output. Switching to LED lights not only saves the amount of energy consumed but also allows a decrease in the number of light fixtures needed in the space.
The switch allows for there to only be two light beams needed instead of the original three. LEDs also boast an impressive life as they last an average of 50,0000 and 100,000 hours longer than the HPS light.
Once the HPS bulbs are replaced they are then taken to a recycling facility for proper disposal.
Future projects will include replacing the short sidewalk bollard lights with the tall black pole lights that are on the west side of campus.