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School of Medicine’s Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Hosts Summer Scholars Program


The Saint Louis University School of Medicine’s Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion hosted the SLU Summer Scholars Program last month.  The program is designed to further expose interested youth to careers in medicine and health care.  

 Group photo of Summer Scholar Program participants.  Program Director, Fannie Acoff on left and medical students Caroline Wright (second row, right) and Tyric Goode (third row, right).

 Summer Scholar Program participants pose for a picture. Program Director, Fannie Acoff  is on left with  medical students Caroline Wright (second row, right) and Tyric Goode (third row, right).  Photo submitted. 

During the three-week program, students meet with different health care professionals.  The program is coordinated by Fannie Acoff, program director for pipeline development and student engagement. The program is led by SLU first-year medical students. In addition to career exploration, students completed the following: 

Twenty-five students, grades 9-12, from local high schools in both Missouri and Illinois participated in this year’s summer program.  The School of Medicine has hosted the Summer Scholars Program for more than a decade.