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Abstracts for Annual Graduate Research Symposium 2022 Being Accepted Until March 28


The annual GSA Research Symposium is held each year during the spring semester and is an interdisciplinary forum open to all SLU graduate students. This year's symposium will be held on Friday, April 29, at the Busch Student Center. Every department with graduate degree programs is encouraged to participate.

Judges are selected from SLU faculty to represent the variety of disciplines. Monetary awards are given to the first, second, and third place papers and posters in each category.

Registration is required. The registration deadline is Friday, April 15. 

Call for Abstracts

The deadline for abstract submissions is Monday, March 28, by 11:59 p.m. All abstracts can be submitted online

Anyone having trouble accessing the form should log into MySLU first, click on Tools, click on Google Drive, then come back to this page and click on our link. There is no submission fee for abstracts. 

Presentation Format

Students may present either a poster or a paper. The presentations will be divided into categories based on the distribution of the participants. Poster and paper abstracts must be submitted within the guidelines below for consideration and inclusion in the Research Symposium program. Abstracts should be limited to no more than 200 words.

Notification of acceptance of abstracts will be sent along with detailed guidelines for poster or paper presentations. A printed program schedule, with a QR code for the symposium abstract directory, will be provided at the symposium.

Guidelines for Submission of Paper and Poster Abstracts

Call for Faculty Judges

Faculty judges are needed from as many graduate departments as are able to send volunteers. At least one, but ideally two or more, faculty members are required from each department in order for the Symposium to run properly.

Faculty need to sign-up for judging by Monday, March 21, by 11:59 p.m. 

Call for Volunteers

Volunteers are needed on the day of the Symposium for various event-related tasks. Interested individuals need to sign-up by Monday, March 21,  by 11:59 p.m.