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New Circle of Hope Prayer Group First Meeting Is May 18


The Division of Diversity and Innovative Community Engagement (DICE) and the Office of Mission and Identity invite faculty and staff to join a newly forming prayer group, the Circle of Hope  (#CommunityofPrayer #WeSeeYou).

 The group is open to people of all faiths and will meet on Wednesday mornings, 8:30 a.m. to 9 a.m., in 102 DuBourg Hall, starting Wednesday, May 18, to pray for the needs of the SLU community.

Prayer intentions can be submitted either by interoffice mail or to the prayer box in DuBourg 102 for the group to include in the weekly prayer session.  Intentions also can be submitted through a Google form

Anyone who would like to participate but is unable to make this meeting, or would like to join a similar group on South Campus, or would like to join but would prefer a different meeting time, or would like additional information, should contact Judi Buncher at (314) 977-7065 or Regina Walton at (314) 977-4585.  

Light refreshments will be provided.