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2022 Graduate Research Symposium Winners Announced


The 28th Annual Graduate Research Symposium, sponsored by the Graduate Student Association (GSA), occurred last Friday, April 29th, 2022. Graduate students from several disciplines presented their research in the form of posters and paper/oral presentations. 

During the Symposium's Awards Ceremony, winners of both paper and poster presentations were honored. 

2022 Symposium Winners for Poster Presentations

Biological Sciences 
Physical Sciences
Social Sciences 

2022 Symposium Winners for Paper Presentations

Biological Sciences 
Physical Sciences
Social Sciences 

Additionally, the awardees of the GSA Recognition Awards and Brennan Fellowship Awards were recognized at the ceremony. 

The 29th Annual Graduate Research Symposium will be on April 28th, 2023, in the Busch Student Center (BSC). Further details about the 2023 Symposium will be announced on the GSA website.

Contact a GSA Department Representative with any questions or concerns.