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Professional Notes: May 2022


Professional Notes is a round-up of awards, presentations, papers, and the other professional achievements of SLU faculty, staff members, and students.

Faculty and Staff

Awards, Honors and Appointments
Suma Chand, Ph.D., Psychology, was awarded the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA) 2022 Jerilyn Ross Clinician Advocate award.  This award honors the memory and lifework of Jerilyn Ross, cofounder of ADAA and president from 1985 to 2010. This award acknowledges an ADAA member professional who exemplifies excellence and outstanding advocacy for patient education and care, training, and research."

Suma Chand Ph.D. (Psychology) was awarded the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA) 2022 Jerilyn Ross Clinician Advocate award. Submitted photo.

Suma Chand, Ph.D. (Psychology) was awarded the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA) 2022 Jerilyn Ross Clinician Advocate award. This award honors the memory and lifework of Jerilyn Ross, co-founder of ADAA and president from 1985-2010. This award acknowledges an ADAA member professional who exemplifies excellence and outstanding advocacy for patient education and care, training and research. 

John Morley, M.D. (Internal Medicine-Geriatrics) was ranked in the top-100 on the Top Medicine Scientists list. This first edition of top scientists ranking for medicine was published by, one of the major websites for Medicine research offering credible data on scientific contributions since 2014. The ranking contains h-index, publications and citations values collected on December 6, 2021. 

Morley was also honored with an appreciation tribute in The Journal of Nutrition, Health and Aging

Jeffrey J. Ma, Ph.D. (Mechanical Engineering) was elected as a Fellow of The American Society of Mechanical Engineers. 

Jeff Ma
Jeffrey J. Ma, Ph.D.

This honor recognizes exceptional engineering achievements and contributions to the engineering profession and to ASME. Ma is one of 3,443 Fellows out of more than 90,000 ASME members. In order for a member to be considered for the fellowship, they must be nominated by ASME members and fellows, have at least ten years of active practice and have at least ten years of active corporate membership in ASME. 

Ma’s research areas include computational solid mechanics, multi-scale modeling and simulation of advanced manufacturing processes and other physical processes, designing and optimizing of tire-soil interactions, and monitoring and testing of manufacturing processes. He runs the Manufacturing Systems Laboratory, Mechatronics Laboratory and Laser Peening/Machining Laboratory within SLU’s Parks College of Engineering, Aviation and Technology.

Additionally, Ma has authored more than 110 peer-reviewed journal articles and full-length conference papers. His research has been funded by NSF, NASA, SLU and industry. Ma serves as Co-chair/chair of Track 3 “Material Removal” within NAMRI/SME Scientific Committee for the 2018-2022 term and has also served as an associate editor for SME Journal of Manufacturing Processes (JMP) since June 2017. 

Mitchell Levine, D.M.D. (CADE) was recently installed as president of the American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine (AADSM) — the leading national organization for dentists who treat sleep-disordered breathing, including obstructive sleep apnea and snoring.

Levine is an associate professor of orthodontics at Saint Louis University. He is a diplomate of the American Board of Orthodontics and the American Board of Dental Sleep Medicine. Prior to joining academia, Levine spent 30 years in private practice in Jacksonville, Florida, where one third of his practice was related to treating sleep-disordered breathing.

Levine has been a member of the AADSM since 2010. Throughout that time, he has served on the Health Policy Education Committee, served as chair of the task force that wrote the Dental Sleep Medicine Standards for Screening, Treating and Managing Adults with Sleep-Related Breathing Disorders, was a member of the task force that developed the consensus recommendations on Identifying the Appropriate Therapeutic Position of an Oral Appliance, and served as a faculty member of the AADSM Mastery Program. He was also co-author of the Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Orthodontics: An American Association of Orthodontists White Paper.

Articles and Publications

Nori Katagiri, Ph.D. (Political Science) published a new research article titled "Explaining Cyberspace Dynamics in the COVID Era" in Global Studies Quarterly. In this article, Katagiri discusses both changes and elements of continuity that define the real nature of cyberspace operations during the COVID era. 

Catherine Cooke, Ph.D. (Distance Education) published a research article, "Bringing Bioethics to the Natural Sciences Classroom: A Case Study Approach," in The American Biology Teacher.

John Encarnacion, Ph.D. (Earth and Atmospheric Sciences) and colleagues published a paper in the Journal of Petrology about magma storage regions and processes in young basaltic lavas in China

Patrick Corrigan, Ph.D. (Physical Therapy and Athletic Training) published "Tendon loading in runners with Achilles tendinopathy: relations to pain, structure, and function during return-to-sport" in the Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports.

Yolonda Wilson, Ph.D. (Health Care Ethics) published the paper, "Is Trust Enough? Anti-Black Racism and the Perception of Black Vaccine 'Hesitancy'" in The Hastings Center.

April M. Mack, Ph.D. (Theological Studies) published an essay an essay entitled, "Womanist Ethics as a Contribution to Bioethics" in “A Critical Moment in Bioethics: Reckoning with Anti-Black Racism Through Intergenerational Dialogue" in a new Hastings Center special report. The special report represents a collaboration between an independent anti-racism task force of bioethicists from across the United States and The Hastings Center, as part of the Center’s health equity initiative. Highlighting the intergenerational work of mostly Black scholars, the report examines structural racism—particularly anti-Black racism— in health care settings, in health equity research and practice, and in bioethics.


Mike Markee (Physical Therapy and Athletic Training) presented "Navigating Your Path as an Entrepreneur" with colleagues at the 2022 Combined Sections Meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association in San Antonio, Texas.

Ann Hayes (Physical Therapy and Athletic Training) and Howard Place, M.D. (Orthopaedic Surgery) presented a poster, "Would Additional Radiographic Measures Taken Pre and Post Physiotherapeutic Scoliosis Specific Exercise Better Demonstrate Successful Outcomes for Adults?" at the 2022 annual meeting of the International Society on Scoliosis Orthopaedic and Rehabilitation Treatment (SOSORT) in San Sebastian, Spain.

John Encarnacion, Ph.D. (Earth and Atmospheric Sciences) gave an online talk for the Saint Louis Art Museum's series "Art Speaks" titled "Missouri's Stones in the Exhibition 'Paintings on Stone.'"

Anthony Breitbach Ph.D. (Doisy College of Health Sciences) served on a panel "Interprofessional Education (IPE): Evidence, Facilitators and Barriers to Implementation" for the School of Health Professions at Stony Brook University on April 27, 2022.

Nori Katagiri, Ph.D. (Political Science) presented his paper titled "Assessing the impact of offensive cyber operations on digital sovereignty" at the 2022 conference on digital sovereignty by the Vienna Working Group on Digital Europe, University of Vienna, on April 29.

In late March, Katagiri also presented a paper titled "Hackers of critical infrastructure: Expectations and challenges with the principle of target distinction" at the annual meeting of the International Studies Association in Nashville.

David Pole, Ph.D. (Family and Community Medicine) recently served as an invited keynote panelist at the 2022 National Academies of Practice (NAP) Annual Meeting and Forum in San Diego, California. The Forum theme was “Promoting Diversity, Resilience, and Interprofessional Collaboration in Education, Practice, and Research.” Pole joined panelists in developing and presenting a panel discussion titled “Strengthening Collaborative Teamwork Throughout Interprofessional Education, Practice, & Research.” Strategically occurring at the closing Forum session, the panel discussion engaged attendees in a process of integrating theoretical and actionable steps in advocating for interprofessional practice and education and encouraged the attendees to envision the future of team-based care.

Media Appearances 

Whitney Postman, Ph.D. (Speech, Language, & Hearing Sciences) and her Cognitive Stimulation Therapy group for African American elders of North St. Louis, conducted on the grounds of the former historically black Homer G. Phillips Hospital, were spotlighted by The ASHA Leader, the bi-monthly magazine of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (May 16, 2022). The article,  entitled "Cognitive Group Tackles Racial Disparities in Dementia Prevention,"was co-authored with SLU audiologist Maureen Fischer and SLU Hospital speech-language pathologist Kailin Leisure.

Farzana Hoque, M.D. (Internal Medicine) took part in the KSDK-TV Ch. 5 Diversity and Inclusion Task Force to talk about the "Women in Leadership" as the President of the Saint Louis Chapter of the Society of Hospital Medicine.

Benjamin Looker, Ph.D. (American Studies) was mentioned in the Houston Press for his research on the Black Artists' Group, a 1960s St. Louis-based arts collective.

Elaine Siegfried, M.D. (Pediatrics-Dermatology) was featured in The American Journal of Managed Care. Siegfried discussed safety considerations for the use of Janus kinase inhibitors in pediatric patients with atopic dermatitis.



Darby Ratliff (doctoral candidate in American Studies) presented a paper at the Midwest Popular Culture Association annual conference in Minneapolis. The paper was titled “‘A God-Given Right to Migration’: The Illustration of Catholicism in U.S. Political Cartoons on Immigration.” Ratliff also received the association’s competitively awarded Gary Burns Graduate Student Travel Grant.

Justin John presented the Alleviate Health Disparities in Saint Louis research initiative he launched through the career advancement nonprofit he founded, Tri Sci Professions, at the SLU Graduate Student Research Symposium and Health Care Ethics Research Conference. John discussed the program design and findings to better understand the current health status of St. Louis.


The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology awards the “2022 ASBMB Undergraduate Research Award” of $1,000 to Kirti Madhu. She is an Investigative Medical Science major in the Clinical Health Sciences department. Uthayashanker Ezekiel, Ph.D.(Clinical Health Sciences) is her mentor. Using her grant award, she will be working under his mentorship doing a research project this summer.

Jenecia Sims (School of Education student) was named a recipient of a $200 grant from Western Governor's University for her students.

Appointments and Promotions

Jaime Schulte (Doctoral candidate in the School of Education), assistant principal at Lewis & Clark Middle School in Jefferson City, will transition to an assistant principal role at Jefferson City High School. Schulte is currently a doctoral student at Saint Louis University.