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Marketing and Communications Team Wins 12 CASE District VI Awards


After winning five national awards this summer, Saint Louis University’s Division of Marketing and Communications team picked up more accolades from the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE).

The Marcom team won 12 Best of CASE District VI Awards.

SLU campus map kiosks

The new SLU Campus Map Kiosks won multiple Best of CASE District VI Awards. Photo by Joe Barker.

"I am so proud of the Marcom team for the outstanding creative work that these awards recognize. The honors are worthy recognition of the Marcom staff's talents and expertise," said Anita Borgmeyer, vice president of marketing and communications. "I'd also like to thank our many SLU partners who helped us make these projects a success. We know these are truly awards for the whole University community."

SLU is in District VI, the Mid-America District. The district covers Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wyoming.

Best of CASE District VI Awards

The Council for Advancement and Support of Education is a global nonprofit association dedicated to educational advancement professionals — in alumni relations, communications, development, marketing, and advancement services — who share the goal of championing education to transform lives and society.