Dissertation Fellowship Opportunities Available
The Saint Louis University Dissertation Fellowship is competitively awarded to Saint Louis University Ph.D. candidates whose work, during their time at Saint Louis University, demonstrates outstanding academic achievement and whose dissertation will significantly extend the body of knowledge within their discipline.
Students interested in being nominated should contact their department or Ph.D. mentor.
Each 11-month fellowship award carries a stipend of $26,000, 12 hours of tuition scholarship
depending on the number of dissertation hours needed to reach the required 12, and
health insurance. Summer attendance is mandatory.
No other fellowship, traineeship, assistantship, similar appointment, or employment
at the University or outside may be held concurrently with this fellowship.
Department nominations are due Monday, Dec. 19, 2022.
For more information on application materials and processes, visit the Graduate Education fellowship website. Anyone with questions should contact Felicia C. Echols, Academic Affairs Coordinator – Graduate Education at felicia.echols@slu.edu.