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AHEAD Institute, CADR Announce the Collaborative Administrative Data Research Award


The Advanced Health Data (AHEAD) Institute at Saint Louis University (SLU) and the Center for Administrative Data Research (CADR) at Washington University in St. Louis (WUSTL) announced a new funding opportunity at the  Institute of Clinical and Translational Sciences (ICST) Big Data Research Symposium. 

The purpose of the Collaborative Administrative Data Research Award (CADRA) is to encourage new cross-institutional collaboration between SLU and WUSTL in the field of administrative data research. This award will support utilization of two Washington University ICTS Just-In-Time (JIT) Cores ($5,000 each) in addition to matching funds from each institution ($5,000 each), for a total award of $20,000 direct costs.

The AHEAD Institute and CADR maintain large administrative medical record and/or medical claims data and provide methodological and biostatistical support to use these data resources for innovative research studies. Applicants for this opportunity must propose a collaborative project that uses data resources and/or research support services from both AHEAD and CADR that can reasonably be completed within 12 months.

Applications should include a planned outline for scholarly productivity within the funding period (one year). It is expected that applicants will also leverage this work to obtain external grant funding as co-principal investigators (Co-PIs).

Applications are due February 17, 2023.

For detailed information on eligibility, deadlines, and application requirements, visit

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