University Core Announces Deadlines, Call for Applications
The University Undergraduate Core Committee continues to solicit and review new courses and experiences for inclusion in the Core. Deadlines for submissions are coming up in October. The committee also is inviting interested full-time faculty members to consider applying to work with the Core Leadership as an Associate Director for the Equity and Global Identities area of the Core.
Submission Deadlines for Core courses and experiences
The University Undergraduate Core Committee continues to solicit and review new courses and experiences for inclusion in the Core. Click here to review all approved Core courses and experiences to date.
- Monday, Oct. 17: Deadline for 2023-24 and 2024-25 Ignite seminar topics to the IGNITE seminar portal. Decisions made and communicated to faculty and department / program chairs before end of Fall 2022 semester.
- Monday, Oct. 31: Priority deadline for inclusion in AY 23-24 Catalog. Courses submitted to the UUCC through CIM-Courses by this date will have ample time to be reviewed, revised if necessary, and ratified by the UUCC in time to appear in the 23-24 academic catalog. After 10/31, the UUCC will continue to review course submissions on a rolling basis through the remainder of the academic year. Courses submitted after October 31st will be reviewed and whenever possible approved for the 2023-4 catalog.
- Rolling submissions: Cura Personalis 2 and Reflection-in-Action: Submissions for these non-credit-bearing Core experiences (not attached to a credit-bearing courses) will be reviewed by the Cura Personalis subcommittee on a rolling basis.
Open Position: Associate Director for Equity and Global Identities
The University Undergraduate Core Committee invites interested full-time faculty members to consider applying to work with the Core Leadership as an Associate Director for the Equity and Global Identities area of the Core.
This is a 3-year position beginning July 1, 2023; the individual appointed to this position will shadow the current Associate Director, Wynne Moskop, Ph.D., in the spring 2023 semester to ensure continuity.
The position comes with a 1 course release in either the fall or spring semester, and a $5,000 stipend for summer work. Deadline is Nov. 1, 2022.
Questions about the position and application process may be directed to Ellen Crowell, Ph.D., Director of the University Core.