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MLK Scholars Take Part in Self Care and Social Justice Retreat


The MLK Scholars Program hosted a "Self Care and Social Justice" Retreat. Under the leadership of the program coordinator, Erica McBride, first-year MLK Scholars participated in a retreat Friday, Oct. 7, to Sunday, Oct. 9.

SLU MLK Scholars attended Six Flags during a retreat.

First-year MLK scholars took part in a retreat in October. As part of the retreat, the students visited Six Flags. Photo submitted.

Utilizing a non-traditional retreat structure, this retreat focused on self-care and social justice. The goal of the retreat was to have the scholars bond and participate in numerous activities to address the emotional burden and emotional labor that social justice activism may bring.

During the retreat students participated in laser tag events, painting with a twist, a karaoke "jammy jam" event in their pajamas and a day at Six Flags St. Louis, while also forming and strengthening connections within their cohort.

McBride said she has plans to restructure the MLK Scholars Program. Under those plans, she hopes to address how emotionally draining social justice work can be. McBride wants students to learn how to effectively balance activism, while also making time to attend to their emotional and physical well-being.