AJCU President to Help Celebrate Launch of New University Core Curriculum
The University Core will welcome Fr. Michael Garanzini, S.J., President of the Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities, to the St. Louis campus this fall to help celebrate the launch of the new University Core curriculum.
He will give an address Thursday, Sept. 22, at 4 p.m. at the Center for Global Citizenship.
Garanzini’s keynote address, “What Makes a Jesuit Core Jesuit,” is part of a year-long event series focused on highlighting and exploring the University Core's first student learning outcome (SLO): “All SLU students will be able to examine their actions and vocations in dialogue with the Catholic, Jesuit tradition." Anyone interested can read about all nine of the outcomes here.
All students, faculty, instructors, campus leaders are invited to the keynote address. For more information, please contact the Core at core@slu.edu.