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2024 Ignite Retreat Registration Now Open


Campus Ministry invites students to attend an introduction to some of the key aspects of Ignatian Spirituality in a group setting.

During the retreat, participants will be invited to explore the Ignatian pillars of prayer, discernment, and gratitude through talks, large group activities, small group discussions led by student leaders, and time for personal reflection. 

The Ignite Retreat is a one-night overnight retreat beginning on Friday, Jan. 26, 2024 and ending Saturday, Jan. 27, 2024. The retreat will take place at the Manresa Retreat Center less than a mile from campus. This retreat satisfies the requirement for the Saint Louis University Undergraduate Core for Cura Personalis 2 (CORE 2500).

The cost is $20 and includes lodging and meals. Registration is required

For more info or financial aid assistance, contact Campus Minister Erin Fitzpatrick.

The Ignite Retreat is based on Ignatian Spirituality that is centered on the life of Jesus Christ. While it is inherently Christian, many students of varying religious traditions or none at all have found the practical nature of Ignatian Spirituality personally beneficial. If one is willing to navigate Christian/Catholic language about God that does not fully represent their own tradition, they are most indeed welcome.