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FJAC Grant Application Open to SLU Community


The Food Justice Action Collaborative (FJAC) grant applications will close on Friday, Feb. 9, 2024. The grants are open to any and all faculty, staff, and students at SLU.

Four. $2,000 mini grants will be awarded.

The FJAC is an interprofessional collaboration between academics, industry and community that revolves around research, engagement, and interventions to improve the community food ecosystem.

The FJAC is organized to bring together faculty and student resources with institutional, business and community assets to identify and focus on critical change issues in the food ecosystem. It serves as a research, support, and innovation hub for local, regional and national initiatives that strive to improve the health and welfare of individuals.

The FJAC aims to become a research and innovation center for food industry service, training, wellness and nutrition programming; enabling people with barriers to gain the knowledge and skills that lead to healthy and productive lives. It also aims to contribute to systemic change and sustainability in the community food ecosystem.

Awards are available to Faculty, Staff, and/or Students of St. Louis University with interest and work within the scope of food access, food injustice, food equity, and food insecurity. Awards will be made on the basis of significance of the project, the applicant’s qualifications, the clarity of the proposal, and the proposed project’s feasibility, design, cost, and work plan.

The review committee reserves the right, if necessary, to adjust proposed budgets in order to maximize the availability of funding for selected projects.

To apply, please prepare the following documents and submit them online

Grant Eligibility

Eligible Expenses

Expenses that are essential to the proposed project are allowed. Materials, supplies, and other expenses requested must directly relate to the proposed project. Examples of research expenses are:

Ineligible Expenses

Submission Information

Apply now