SLU Student Affairs Team Recognized as ‘Promising Place to Work’
Saint Louis University has been named a promising place to work in student affairs.
The ACPA-College Student Educators International (ACPA) and Diverse: Issues in Higher Education recently selected SLU as one of the 2023 Most Promising Places to Work in Student Affairs.
Most Promising Places to Work in Student Affairs (PPWSA) is a national recognition that celebrates student affairs workplaces that are “vibrant, diverse, supportive, and committed to staff work-life balance, professional development, and inclusive excellence,” according to the ACPA.
“I am so grateful for this recognition from Diverse: Issues in Higher Education and ACPA-College Student Educators, as my senior leadership team and I are deeply committed to creating a positive and inclusive work environment for student affairs on our campus,” said Sarah Cunningham, Ed.D, vice president for student development. “It also speaks to the remarkably talented staff we have on our student development team here at SLU.”
The selection was based of responses to a survey conducted in late 2022 and early 2023. The survey looked at organization’s focus on workplace diversity, staffing practices and work environment.
According to the ACPA, SLU rose to the top in categories such as family friendliness, salary/benefits, and professional development opportunities, to name a few. A full list of the institutions being recognized will be released by Diverse in the coming weeks.
Saint Louis University will be honored at a recognition reception at the ACPA23 Convention in New Orleans, Louisiana. The reception will take place on Monday, March 27, in New Orleans.