Second Science Day Will Be March 1
Members of the University community are welcome to attend Science Day hosted by the SLU School of Medicine, Office of Research. The event features a discussion with colleagues in science, topical presentations, and a keynote speaker.
The event will be held in the Education Union Auditorium, from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Wednesday, March 1. The event is free and breakfast and lunch are provided.
The keynote speaker will be Anthony Sardella, founder of evolve24 and chair of the API Innovation Center at Cortex. Sardella serves as chair of the API Innovation Center at Cortex, focused on advancing innovation in the field of drug manufacturing to foster U.S. health security. He has recently published a series of papers on U.S. health security and the fragility of the U.S. drug supply chain. He is also the chair of the Bellwether Foundation Brookings Commission, studying analytical solutions to detect the diversion of opioids in the drug supply chain.
A list of presenters, topics and times can be found on the SOM website.