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SLU Sigma Xi 2023 Research Symposium Seeks Abstracts


The SLU Sigma Xi Research Symposium will be Monday, April 3, at Il Monastero. Undergraduate students, graduate students, postdocs, and research scientists are invited to submit an abstract for poster presentations.

Abstract Submission Guidelines

All research that involves animals, human subjects, or bio/chemical agents and/or radiation must receive the appropriate institutional approvals. Visit the Research Integrity and Compliance website for further information.

The abstract submission deadline has been extended to 4 p.m on Friday, March 10. 

Researchers will present posters on their work. Easels, poster boards, and push pins will be provided. Posters may not exceed 4-foot-by-3-foot. Power supplies will not be available for any additional presentation format.

There will be awards for the highest scoring undergraduate and graduate projects in the three subject divisions — biological/life sciences, physical/engineering sciences, and social/behavioral sciences.

Sigma Xi Scientific Research Honor Society is an honor society and was founded in 1886. The Society has more than 500 chapters in the world. The SLU chapter was founded in 1944.

Individuals who have presented or published their work, including participants in the research symposium are eligible for membership. Anyone interested in becoming a member should send a message to

RSVP for the Symposium by filling out the Google form

The Symposium also is seeking judges for undergraduate and graduate student presentations. Anyone interested should email one of the organizers:

Any questions can be sent to Silviya Zustiak