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SLU to Participate in Go Move Challenge With Other Jesuit Universities


Saint Louis University will take part in the 11th annual Go Move Challenge. The challenge will determine which Jesuit institution is the most active. 

The event is open fro all SLU faculty and staff.  With the majority of our Jesuit universities and colleges participating this year, including the AJCU staff, every minute counts in the race to be the most active Jesuit institution. 

To participate in the challenge, users must create a new account each year that you participate.

How to Join the Challenge

How to Log Your Minutes

How to Win

There are three ways to win:

  1. The university with most minutes
  2. The university with the highest average number of minutes per participant and
  3. The region with the most minutes

The winning institutions will be announced on the Go Move Challenge website and through social media sites.

Challenge Rules and Tips

The challenge starts at 12 a.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 1 and ends at 11:59 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 28. All times are Pacific. 

Minutes must be entered by the end of the challenge to count. Participants will be tracking minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity — intentional exercise that causes at least a moderate increase in breathing or heart rate. If a participant is spending the day skiing, golfing, or vacationing, only enter the minutes that you are moving moderately to vigorously.

For participants that are a pencil-and-paper kind of person, they can download the exercise tracker and tips calendar to track their minutes and enter them on the Go Move Challenge challenge site at their convenience, starting in mid-January

Participants are encouraged to share their challenge experiences, and send or tag their photos showing your activities. The photos will be included in the weekly AJCU challenge update article.

Photos also can be posted on Facebook and Instagram with #GoMoveChallenge. For more information about the challenge, visit the FAQ page

Anyone with questions should Rachel Donahue, Saint Louis University Employee Wellness Coordinator.