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Nomination Form Open for Atlas Week Compass Awards


The Atlas Program is now accepting nominations for the Atlas Week Lorenzini Compass Award.

Named in honor of former Atlas Program Director, Michelle Lorenzini, Ph.D., this award recognizes and celebrates the significant efforts of students, student organizations, staff, and faculty in promoting awareness of global issues and injustices.

The nomination form can be found online. The nomination deadline is Friday, March 31.

Winners of the Lorenzini Compass Award will be awarded and recognized at a celebratory dinner on Thursday, April 27, at 5:30 p.m.

For more information about the Atlas Week Lorenzini Compass Award, contact Luella Loseille at (314)-977-3576 or by email at Atlas Week 2023 will be April 3-9, 2022. For more information about Atlas Week, visit the Atlas Week website.