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INSPIRE: Conferences 101 Event Is Wednesday


INSPIRE, which stands for Interdisciplinary Networking, Science, Professionalism, Innovation, Research, and Education, is designed to create a dynamic environment for researchers of all levels, from junior faculty to graduate students and senior faculty.

INSPIRE: Conferences 101 will be Wednesday, Nov. 8, at noon, in the SLUCare Academic Pavilion Room, 3rd Floor, Room 3606.

This organization seeks to fostering a culture of collaboration, cross-departmental synergy, and knowledge exchange that will enable us all to reach new heights in our academic pursuits.

Jennifer Bello-Kottenstette, M.D., and Sarah Gebauer., M.D., will be covering topics related to conferences. They will cover abstract submission, posters, and oral presentations — all aspects that attendees might encounter at a conference. Trainees and first time conference attendees may benefit most from this meeting. 

Light refreshments will be provided. Registration is requested. After registering organizers will email the virtual meeting link. 

Anyone unable to attend but would still like to be informed of future events and opportunities to present, should email to subscribe to the list-serv.