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MLK Scholarship Application Open for Current Students


Current SLU students can now apply for the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Scholarship.

The MLK Scholarship is a competitive award granted to undergraduate students committed to social justice, academic success, service, leadership, and cultural awareness experiences.

MLK Scholars champion the ideals of Dr. King and his legacy, have a thorough understanding of how social justice, diversity, equity, and inclusion have shaped their lived experiences, and possess a determination to bring about positive, transformative change on campus. 

The King Scholars Program has an award value that is applied to undergraduate tuition charges only. This award in combination with other SLU merit and SLU Grant awards cannot exceed full tuition charges.

Application Requirements

Students must be a current Freshman, Sophomore, or Junior student at Saint Louis University. Other requirements include: 

For students with less than 24 credit hours, awards will be contingent on final grades and credits earned by the end of spring 2024 semester.

The application deadline is Friday, May 3, 2024 by 11:59 p.m. Applications will be reviewed by a committee, and students will be contacted if they are granted an interview. Interviews may be virtual.

Current SLU students interested in applying may apply by filling out a Google form

For questions and more information, email