Community Feedback Sought for Teaching Effectiveness Framework
As part of the joint Provost/Faculty Senate Teaching Effectiveness Project, the Phase 1 Project Team is inviting the SLU community to provide feedback on a draft teaching effectiveness framework.
The draft framework reflects the intersections of input from SLU stakeholders (including your feedback on the prototype drafts earlier this semester) and of current literature on effective teaching and the learning sciences.
SLU community members may access the draft framework (and accompanying materials) on the project’s website. Feedback on the draft framework is primarily being collected via the Penultimate Draft Framework Feedback Form, which will close at 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, April 13, 2025. The project team is working to schedule two open forum feedback sessions for the community. They also will join school/college and governance group meetings upon request.
The community’s feedback will inform revisions. The goal is to adopt a final version of the framework before the end of this academic year.
Once SLU has adopted a common framework, that framework will be customized at the department/college level to allow for disciplinary specificity and will guide individual instructors’ development and growth, annual reviews of teaching, tenure and promotion standards, and institutional recognitions of effective teaching.
Questions about the draft, or the larger project, may be directed to the team chairs, Lisieux Huelman, Ph.D., associate professor, English as second language, and Debra Lohe, Ph.D., associate provost for teaching and learning.