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Professional and Academic Notes: Summer 2016

A round-up of appointments, awards, presentations and papers for SLU faculty, staff and students.



HADI ALHORR, Ph.D. (International Business) was elected to serve as vice president of administration for the Academy of International Business. His three-year term runs from Aug. 1, 2016, to July 31, 2019. He was introduced at this year's conference June 27-30, held in New Orleans, Louisiana. His responsibilities include overseeing finances and budgeting issues for the organization, as well as managing the Middle East, The Americas and Canada chapters of the Academy.

OLGA ARBELAEZ, PH.D. (Languages, Literatures and Cultures) has been appointed associate director of the Micah Program. Her work with the program will involve mentoring students minoring in Urban Poverty Studies; working with interns, small-group leaders and alumni; and developing service partnerships with the rapidly growing Latino community in St. Louis.

DANNIELLE JOY DAVIS, PH.D. (Education) was elected chair of the American Educational Research Association (AERA)'s Spirituality and Education Special Interest Group.

MARY KLIX, M.D. (Internal Medicine - Hematology/Oncology) and ERIC ARMBRECHT, PH.D. (SLUCOR) were appointed as inaugural members of the Midwest Comparative Effectiveness Public Advisory Council (Midwest CEPAC), an independent group that makes recommendations to improve health care.

HENRY NASRALLAH, M.D. (Psychiatry and Behavioral Neuroscience), the Sydney Souers Professor and chair of the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neuroscience, has been elected by the 450 psychiatrists in the state as the next president of the Missouri Psychiatric Association, effective May 2017. He will serve as President-elect until then.

RUBEN ROSARIO RODRIGUEZ, PH.D. (Theological Studies) was appointed to the board of directors of the Presbyterian Publishing Corporation (PPC) at the 222nd General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) in Portland, Oregon. PPC is the official denominational publisher of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), publishing resources that advance religious scholarship, stimulate conversation about moral values, and inspire faithful living, and also oversees the Presbyterian academic press, Westminster/John Knox Press.


ANTHONY BREITBACH, PH.D. received the Athletic Training Education Journal’s Outstanding Manuscript for Advancing Educational Practice award at the NATA Annual Meeting in June 2016, along with Russ Richardson, Ph.D., and the NATA Interprofessional Education and Practice Work Group.

LIZ CHIARELLO, PH.D. (Sociology and Anthropology) won the 2016 Distinguished Article Award from the American Sociological Association's Section on the Sociology of Law for her article titled “The War on Drugs Comes to the Pharmacy Counter: Frontline Work in the Shadow of Discrepant Institutional Logics,” published in Law and Social Inquiry (2015), 40(1), 86-122. The award recognizes an outstanding article published between 2014 and 2016 in the “Sociology of Law.” Chiarello also won a Junior Scholar Award on the Section on Alcohol, Drugs and Tobacco.

VERNA L. HENDRICKS-FERGUSON, PH.D. (Nursing) was selected to receive the 2016 Writing Award for one of her 2015 published studies in the Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing (JPON) by the Association of Pediatric Hematologic and Oncology Nurses (APHON) at its national conference in September. The paper was a large, multi-site qualitative research study funded by both ONS and the Alex Lemonade Children's Cancer Foundation.

PAUL JELLISS, PH.D. (Chemistry) received the Boron in the Americas Award at the 15th Boron in the Americas Conference, which was held at Queen's University, Canada. He joins a list of winners that includes several Nobel Laureates.

JONATHAN LUX, PH.D. (English as a Second Language) was recognized as the 2016 Matteo Ricci Faculty Fellow at the Beijing Center for Chinese Studies, a four-week fellowship enabling recipients to pursue research and scholarship interests in either Italy or China.

KITTY NEWSHAM, PH.D. (Athletic Training) received a NATA Most Distinguished Athletic Trainer award at the NATA Annual Meeting in June 2016.

WOLF STAPELFELDT, M.D. (Anesthesiology and Critical Care) received a third-place award at the Society of Anesthesiologists of Hong Kong's 16th World Congress of Anesthesiologists for his research on “A Novel Index for Increased Risk of Adverse Outcome Following Non-Cardiac Surgical Procedures Derived from Intraoperative Mean Arterial Blood Pressure, Inhaled Anesthetic Gas Concentration and Minute-to-Minute Pulmonary Oxygen Uptake.”

CYNTHIA STOLLHANS, PH.D. (Art History) was one of 12 participants chosen from a national pool of candidates to study the intersection between Italian Renaissance art and religion this summer. The three-week program, housed in the Servite convent in Orvieto, was sponsored by the Lilly Foundation through Gordon College. The goal of the seminar was to strengthen teaching pedagogy by learning from the past in order to be more effective teachers of art and religion. The group took six excursions to the towns/cities of central Italy, including Florence, Arezzo, Assisi and Siena in order to study first-hand the great Renaissance fresco cycles.

Speaking Engagements

ANTHONY BREITBACH, PH.D. (Athletic Training) conducted a workshop at All Together Better Health VIII: The Global Interprofessional Practice and Education Conference at the University of Oxford in Oxford, England. The conference, under the direction of the World Coordinating Committee (WCC), brings together providers, health care system executives, educators, policy-makers and industry leaders for the leading global interprofessional practice and education event.
Breitbach and his co-presenter Scott Reeves, Ph.D. (Kingston University-St. George’s, University of London) conducted a workshop titled “Utilizing Sport to Study and Improve Global Interprofessional Collaborative Health Care.” The workshop also included data collection for a research project utilizing the World Café method, supported by a SLU Beaumont Faculty Development Grant which was awarded to Breitbach for the 2016-17 academic year.

Breitbach also presented four lectures at the NATA Annual Meeting in Baltimore, Maryland, in June 2016.

KATIE ELIOT, PH.D. (Nutrition and Dietetics) presented "Institutional Factors Affecting Interprofessional Education in Nutrition and Dietetics and Athletic Training," at the NATA Annual Meeting in Baltimore, Maryland, in June 2016.

KITTY NEWSHAM, PH.D. (Athletic Training) presented "Lower Extremity-Specific Patient-Reported Outcome Measures for Active Patients," at the NATA Annual Meeting in Baltimore, Maryland, in June 2016.

NISHANT PODDAR, M.D. (Internal Medicine – Hematology/ Oncology) was the keynote speaker at the American Lung Association’s Lung Force Expo, held on May 20 in St. Louis. SETU PATOLIA, M.D. and RAVI NAYAK, M.D. (Internal Medicine – Pulmonary) were also speakers during the event, which highlighted topics to keep lung health professionals current on the latest research trends, recommendations and treatments. 

SIMONA RENTEA, PH.D. (Political Science-Madrid) and JOAN PEDRO, PH.D. (Communication-Madrid) participated as organizers and presenters in a conference titled "Cities of Welcome, Cities of Transit," that was convened in Barcelona's Sant Pau Art Nouveau facility. The event was part of a wider project called "Mediterranean Journeys of Hope," a collaboration between the United Nations University and the widely-read academic/activist web publication Open Democracy. Read more here

ELENA DALLA TORRE, PH.D. (Italian - Languages, Literatures, and Cultures) delivered a talk, "Les politiques d' Éros entre la France et l'Italie: Guy Hocquenghem et Mario Mieli," at the 84e Congrès de l’Association francophone pour le savoir, Université du Québec à Montréal, in May 2016.

Articles Published

Research by GRETCHEN ARNOLD, PH.D. (Women's and Gender Studies), was cited in new policy guidelines regarding nuisance ordinances issued by HUD. Arnold's work provides evidence for HUD's conclusion that nuisance ordinances violate the Fair Housing Act by encouraging the eviction of battered women who repeatedly call 911.

MAMOUN BENMAMOUN, PH.D. (International Business) co-authored the paper “U.S. Companies Entry Mode to Muslim Countries: The Impact of Manager Animosity," which won the First Best Paper Award at the Seventh Global Islamic Marketing Conference in Casablanca, Morocco, May 4-6. The co-authors included SEUNG KIM, Ph.D. (International Business) Morris Kalliny, associate dean and associate professor of marketing at the College of Business and Public Administration, Eastern Washington University; and WOOTAE CHUN, PH.D., a recent graduate of the doctoral program in international business and marketing at Saint Louis University.

ROGER GOLDMAN, J.D. (Law emeritus) published an article titled "Importance of State Law in Police Reform" in the August 2016 edition of the Saint Louis University School of Law Journal.

KATHLEEN LLEWELLYN, PH.D. (French - Languages, Literatures, and Cultures) presented a paper, “Anti-Woman Satire in Early Modern France: Complaints of le mal-marié” at the Sixteenth Century Studies Conference in Bruges, Belgium on Aug. 19. Llewellyn organized the panel, “Women Behaving Badly?: Manipulating Gender and Social Order through Religion and Ridicule.”

OSCAR LOPEZ, PH.D. (Spanish - Languages, Literatures, and Cultures) published a “short short” story titled “Superviviente” in the anthology El Búnker Z in Spain, in April 2016. This story was selected through the contest of short short stories organized by the publisher Búnker Z.

JASE RAMSEY, PH.D. (International Business) co-authored the paper “Exploring the Impact of Cross-Cultural Management Education on Cultural Intelligence, Student Satisfaction, and Commitment,” which was published in Volume 15, Number 1, March 2016 Academy of Management Learning & Education Journal.

NITISH SINGH, PH.D. (International Business) filed a patent application through the Qatar Foundation for the “Arabic Web Localization Automation Tool.” This is a resource that provides real-time assessment of website localization effectiveness, developed in partnership with MAMOUN BENMAMOUN, PH.D. (International Business) and Rana Sobh, Ph.D. (chair of the Management and Marketing department at the College of Business and Economics at Qatar University). Singh was also a guest speaker at the Regional Chambers St. Louis meeting, providing a presentation about St. Louis financial regulatory compliance challenges and trends.

HONGXIN “JOHN” ZHAO, PH.D. (International Business) authored the paper “Contingent Value of Political Capital in Bank Loan Acquisition: Evidence from Founder-Controlled Private Enterprises in China” that was published in Volume 31, Issue 2, March 2016, Pages 153–174, of the Journal of Business Venturing.


Graduate student AMELIA MEIGS (Athletic Training) received the NATA Foundation’s Mark J. Smaha Scholarship at the NATA Annual Meeting in June 2016.

Radiation Therapy Representation in Chicago Area Radiation Therapists Annual Meeting, Student Scholar Bowl (April 22-24):

TODD ADRIAN and DAVID PROSSER represented the University in the Student Scholar Bowl as they competed against teams from other universities from across the country.

The following students presented research posters:

Information Technology Management Representation in the Deloitte SAP Co-Innovate (August 2016). The event challenged students to develop creative, go-to-market solutions for a predefined, real-world business scenario. Chaifetz School students placed second, competing against 16 other universities. Read more online.

The students are: