Jose Franco Da Cunha Leme Filho
Adjunct Instructor
B.Sc., Agronomy, Universidade Estadual de Londrina, 2011
M.Sc., Crop, Soil and Environmental Sciences, Auburn University, 2016
Ph.D., Plant and Environmental Sciences, Virginia Tech, 2020
Research Interests
Cannabis cultivation systems; cannabis growing management; plant physiology; plant hormones; phytocompounds; controlled environment agriculture.
Publications and Media Placements
Da Cunha Leme Filho, J. F, W. E. Thomason, G. Evanylo, X. Zhang, M. Strickland, B.
Chim, C. Bermand, and A. A. Diatta. 2020. Corn response to an integrated plant nutrition
system (IPNS) with humic acid and biofertilizers. Journal of Agricultural Science.
DOI: 10.5539/jas.v12n8p25
Da Cunha Leme Filho, J. F., W. E. Thomason, G. Evanylo, X. Zhang, M. Strickland, B.
Chim, and A. A. Diatta. 2020. The synergistic effects of humic substances and biofertilizers
on plant development and microbial activity: a review. International Journal of Plant
and Soil Science. DOI: 10.9734/IJPSS/2020/v32i730306
Diatta, A.A., W.E. Thomason, O. Abaye, T.L. Thompson, M.L. Battaglia, L.J. Vaughan,
M. Lo, and J.F. Da Cunha Leme Filho. 2020. Assessment of nitrogen fixation by mungbean
genotypes in different soil textures using 15N natural abundance method. Journal of
Soil Science and Plant Nutrition. DOI: 10.1007/s42729-020-00290-2
Da Cunha Leme Filho, J. F., B. Ortiz, D. Damianidis, M. Dougherty, K. S. Balkcom,
and T. Knappenberger. 2020. Irrigation scheduling to promote corn productivity in
central Alabama. Journal of Agricultural Science. DOI: 10.5539/jas.v12n9p34
Da Cunha Leme Filho, J. F., W. E. Thomason, G. Evanylo, X. Zhang, M. Strickland, B.
Chim, and A. A. Diatta. 2020. Biochemical and physiological responses of Cannabis
sativa to an integrated plant nutrition system. Agronomy Journal. DOI: 10.1002/agj2.20400
Da Cunha Leme Filho, J. F., B. Ortiz, M. Dougherty, D. Damianidis, K. S. Balkcom,
and T. Knappenberger. 2020. Evaluation of two irrigation scheduling methods and nitrogen
rates on corn production in Alabama. International Journal of Agronomy. DOI: 10.1155/2020/8869383
Da Cunha Leme Filho, J. F., W. E. Thomason, G. Evanylo, X. Zhang, M. Strickland, B.
Chim, and A. Diatta. 2020. An integrated plant nutrition system for corn in the Mid-Atlantic
USA. Journal of Plant Nutrition. DOI: 10.1080/01904167.2020.1849298
Swoish, M., J. F. Da Cunha Leme Filho, M. S. Reiter, R. D. Stewart, and W.E. Thomason.
2021.Trinexapac-Ethyl rate and timing impact on malt barley production in Virginia.
Crop, Forage and Turfgrass Management. DOI: 10.1002/cft2.20101
Swoish, M., J. F. Da Cunha Leme Filho, M. S. Reiter, J. B Campbell, and W.E. Thomason.
2022. Comparing satellites and vegetation indices for cover crop biomass estimation.
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. DOI: 10.1016/j.compag.2022.106900
Honors and Awards
2nd place at ASA-CSSA-SSSA Conference, Phoenix, AZ: Graduate Student oral session
awards: Agronomic Production Systems Division - Industrial Hemp Production (Grain/Fiber
and CBD) - November 2020
3rd place at ASA-CSSA-SSSA Conference, San Antonio, TX: Graduate Student poster competition
awards: Biomedical, Health-Beneficial and Nutritionally Enhanced Plants Division -
November 2019
Scholarship award - William T. Steele, Jr. - June 2019
Scholarship award - David J. Spence - June 2019
Graduate Scholarship award - Celeste W. Reynolds - June 2019
Scholarship award - Charles I. Rich Memorial - May 2019
3rd place at ASA-CSSA-SSSA Conference, San Antonio, TX: Graduate Student poster competition
awards: Soil Biology and Biochemistry Division - November 2017
Professional Organizations and Associations
American Society of Agronomy (ASA)
Soil Science Society of America (SSSA)
Crop Science Society of America (CSSA)
American Society of Horticultural Science (ASHS)
Community Work and Service
Treasurer and co-Founder of the Brasil Club at Virginia Tech (Brazilian Student Association)