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Joint Provost-Faculty Senate Gender Equity Committee


The Saint Louis University Joint Provost-Faculty Senate Gender Equity Committee (GEC) is committed to an anti-racist, gender inclusive, and equitable experience for all faculty. The committee embodies the pursuit of truth, service to others, and flourishing in our community.

Current Initiatives

Ombuds Proposal
An Ombuds role is someone or an office of people who provide a confidential space to field concerns of employees and students. This role assists with conflict resolution, addressing inequities in pay for individuals, and identifying resources needed for improving inclusion and equity. The committee is working on recommendations to the Provost and Faculty Senate for establishing an Ombudsperson for the north campus. This already exists in the School of Medicine in the Office of Professional Oversight. We hope to learn from various sources and the current structure in the School of Medicine for informing our proposal.  View February 15, 2022, presentation to the Faculty Senate.
Advising the Office of the Provost on Pay Equity

On an ongoing basis, the committee is advising the Office of the Provost on pay equity studies, decision making for pay increases, and advocating on behalf of faculty to sustain an annual pay increase and equity pool. 


Service Metric Research Study

The Developing a Service Metric for Equitable Faculty Workload and Advancement study began in July 2021 (SLU IRB # 32059).
View the the draft report and findings.

Billiken Boost Program

The Billiken Boost Program for Supporting Equitable Faculty Scholarly Achievement was createed by the Office of the Provost in an effort to define the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic here at SLU and empower faculty achievement that is equitable and specific to the needs of individual faculty.  View detailed information about the program, including funding opportunities.

Human Resources Climate Data Analysis

The Gender Equity Committee has received select data from the University’s 2020 Climate Survey from Human Resources. The 2020 Climate Survey included important questions pertaining to the perceptions of equity, diversity, and inclusion on campus. 

The data received by the committee includes both quantitative and qualitative data. The committee is planning a mixed method analysis of the data for providing recommendations to the Provost and Faculty Senate and guide new initiatives to address the needs and concerns of SLU faculty and community.