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Gender Equity Committee - Original Resources

The Provost-Faculty Senate Faculty Gender Equity Committee was establisehd on November 1, 2018, in response to a key recommendation of the Faculty Senate Gender Equity Task Force (2014-2017).  Archival information related to the Committee is provided below.

Resources From the SLU Faculty Senate Gender Equity Task Force

  • Membership (2015-2017)
  • Task Force Documents (accessible only to SLU community)
    • Report on the Status of Full-Time Women (May 12, 2017)
      • Appendix 1: Descriptive Profile of Full-Time Faculty Gender Distribution (as of October 13, 2015)
      • Appendix 2: Full-Time Faculty Gender Pay Equity Analysis (as of February 2, 2016)
      • Appendix 3: Full-Time Faculty Feedback Survey Data Analysis (as of May 12, 2017)
      • Appendix 4A: Change from Within: Using Task Forces and Best Practices to Achieve Gender Equity for University Faculty (2018 article by Constance Z. Wagner, JD, SLU School of Law)
      • Appendix 4B: Bibliography of Best Practices and Other Relevant Literature