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Blackboard Closure

Blackboard access at SLU ended on May 20, 2022, for all Saint Louis University faculty, students, and staff. This closure date was announced through multiple University emails, Newslink announcements, and Canvas announcements.

Information for Faculty/Instructors

Blackboard is no longer available. For a very short period of time, the University may be able to migrate a prior Blackboard course to Canvas. Faculty who need a course migrated from Blackboard to Canvas should complete this Google form or contact Sandy Gambill ( to see if the course is still accessible.

Information for Students

Blackboard is no longer available. The University is not able to provide you access to any prior course materials on Blackboard. If you are looking for materials from a prior course, contact the instructor of the course.

If you are attempting to complete an Incomplete course that was offered in Blackboard, contact the instructor of the course for information about whether/how you may complete the coursework.