SLU Public Health Students Lead Successful Student Day of Service
For the second year, Saint Louis University students organized a Student Day of Service during the American Public Health Association (APHA) annual meeting, which took place Oct. 29 - Nov. 2, in Denver, Colorado.
“Public Health Service Day was started as a way to get students out of the convention hall and into the host community, working with local organizations in shared service,” said Samantha Wasala, M.P.H. ‘17, who spearheaded the student organizing committee.
This year, the organizing committee added service opportunities in St. Louis for their peers who could not attend the conference.
In total, 95 students from 31 institutions participated by volunteering two hours of their time at 10 sites in Denver and St. Louis — a significant increase from the 2015 APHA conference in Chicago.
“As emerging public health professionals it’s important to remember the communities that we are visiting and to try to get to know the public health issues that are being faced and addressed in our current communities,” said Wasala.
She hopes to grow the number of students involved in Public Health Service Day at the next APHA annual meeting, and for other schools to plan tandem service events in their home cities.
In Denver, 60 students volunteered at:
- Denver Indian Center: Removed weeds, graded sections of the yard, laid down weed killer, put down tarp and covered it with mulch. Planted tulip bulbs and raked leaves in the yard, finishing a yearlong beautification project.
- Denver Parks and Rec: Students painted seven picnic tables, five benches, and helped with trash pickup. The purpose was to remove graffiti and tags around the park.
- Denver Rescue Mission: Helped set up dinner for homeless men and women who stay at the center. Set up the dining area and helped with putting out food for dinner.
- Family Promise of Greater Denver: Students helped host a Halloween party for the families that stay at the shelter. They made Halloween Crafts and played games with the kids.
- Laboratory to Combat Human Trafficking: Students learned about human trafficking and the organization.
- Live Well Colorado: Students helped enter data from surveys that were collected across different local farmer markets in Denver.
- Ronald McDonald House: Played Halloween games with the children and families that stay at the Ronald McDonald house.
In St. Louis, 35 students volunteered at:
- Central West End Farm: Students cleared a bed and watered the farm, which provides fresh, organic produce to local food pantries.
- Forest Releaf : Students planted trees and shrubs in a public park.
- Saint Louis Area Diaper Bank: Students sorted diapers for low-income families in the St. Louis region.
"I am so proud of our Saint Louis University students for the dedication and commitment to social justice they demonstrated in the Student Day of Service both in Denver and in Saint Louis to coincide with the annual meeting of the American Public Health Association,” said Dean Collins Airhihenbuwa of Saint Louis University’s College for Public Health and Social Justice.
“Led by Samantha Wasala and her team, it took nearly a year of planning, countless hours, and a selfless commitment to making a difference in our communities with impact beyond the conference walls,” he added.
Thanks to the 2016 Public Health Service Day committee:
- Amy Ayala, M.P.H. '17
- Phill Pemberton, M.P.H. '17
- Saketh Nadimpalli, M.P.H. '17
- Ariel Scalise, M.P.H. '17
- Sam Wasala, M.P.H. '17, chair
If you are interested in connecting with the Public Health Service Day committee, email
CPHSJ Communications
Published: November 3, 2016