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CPHSJ Faculty Promotions and Tenures Announced

Thomas E. Burroughs, Ph.D., dean of the Saint Louis University College for Public Health and Social Justice,  has announced faculty candidates who were awarded promotion and/or tenure.

“This is a huge accomplishment and reflects years of hard work and excellence in teaching, research and service,”said Dr. Burroughs.

The promotion and tenure process is lengthy, rigorous, and requires many levels of review.

“Candidates are required to submit a very detailed dossier about their teaching, research and service," Dr. Burroughs said. "Letters of review are obtained from colleagues, students and collaborators.  This information is shared with carefully selected external reviewers who make their own recommendations about promotion/tenure.

"Sequential reviews and recommendations are made by the department committee, department chair, college committee, dean, University Academic Rank and Tenure Committee and, ultimately, the Provost. Typically, not all applications are approved.  Success is recognition of the accomplishments of these individuals.”

Faculty Candidates Awarded Promotion and/or Tenure

Congratulations to the following faculty members for this recognition of their huge contributions to the Saint Louis University College for Public Health and Social Justice:

About the College for Public Health and Social Justice

The Saint Louis University College for Public Health and Social Justice is the only academic unit of its kind, studying social, environmental and physical influences that together determine the health and well-being of people and communities. It also is the only accredited school or college of public health among nearly 250 Catholic institutions of higher education in the United States.

Guided by a mission of social justice and focus on finding innovative and collaborative solutions for complex health problems, the College offers nationally recognized programs in public health, social work, health administration, applied behavior analysis, and criminology and criminal justice.