Research Workshops
The Office of the Vice President for Research (OVPR) sponsors a variety of workshops for faculty involved in research. The topics of these workshops are wide-ranging, from grant writing to personal branding.
December 17, 2018
10:30 am - 6:00 pm
Location: Pere Marquette Gallery, 2nd Floor, DuBourg Hall, 221 N. Grand Blvd., St.
Louis, MO 63103
The SLU Summit for Water will highlight ongoing research at SLU aimed at addressing the global challenge of balancing water resources, human water needs, and impacts on aquatic ecosystems. The summit will begin at 10:30 am with opening remarks from Dr. Michelle Sabick, PhD, Dean of Parks College of Engineering, Aviation and Technology followed by a keynote presentation by Dr. Glen Daigger, PhD, PE, BCEE, NAE, Professor of Engineering Practice at the University of Michigan, entitled, “Closing the Knowing/Doing Gap.” Dr. Daigger is a leading thinker in environmental engineering. After lunch, SLU faculty members representing diverse disciplines from across campus will share their current work as well as thoughts for future research directions. Refreshments will be provided by the SLU Office of the Vice President for Research. Please join us for an interactive symposium around these important topics.
For more information and a full summit agenda, visit:
School of Education speaker
series December 6
Join us on December 6
for the third speaker in the Education Lecture Series co-sponsored by the School of Education and the Office of the Vice President for Research. Dr. Stephen Raudenbush is the Lewis-Sebring Distinguished Service Professor in the Department of Sociology at the
University of Chicago. He is a leading scholar on quantitative methods for studying child and youth development within social setting such as classrooms, schools, and neighborhoods. He has also developed measurement tools applied to the design and analysis
of longitudinal and multilevel research. Dr. Raudenbush will present The Ambitious Elementary School and Educational Inequality. Some deny that schools can have much effect on inequality in a world where enduring economic, neighborhood, and family inequality
constrain the life chances of low-income children. And 60 years of research suggest that family differences are more important than school differences in shaping educational attainment. Yet precisely because family differences are so influential, schooling
is especially important for low-income youth. In this talk, he will present a new theory that explains why low-income children benefit more from early schooling than do high-income children; why this equalizing effect diminishes with child age; and why elementary
school improvement is so essential for reducing inequality. He will also share new evidence from a multi-year randomized trial that illustrates the potential power of an ambitious elementary school to promote the mathematics and reading achievement of low-income
minority children. The design of this school challenges ingrained notions about teaching, school organization, and the potential of currently underserved children to grow intellectually.
Join us at 11:30 am,
on Thursday, December 6, Boileau Hall, for lunch followed by Stephen Raudenbush’s lecture. Please RSVP
by Tuesday, December 4.
NIH Grantsmanship 101
SLU OVPR and SOM Office of Faculty Affairs and Professional Development
John Tavis, Ph.D., instructor., 314-977-8893, DRC 631
Goal: Provide a foundational understanding of the NIH granting process.
Session III. Review, revision, and funding.
(December 13, 1:30-4:30, DRC 9th Floor Conference Room)
The review process
Roles of the reviewers and SRO
The abominable NIH scoring system
Mock review
Critiques from the reviewer’s perspective
The revision process
Interpreting critiques
Revising your grant
Role of the program officer in revision
You win!! What to do when funded
JIT information
Your obligations and limits to your financial flexibility
Budget management and tracking
Annual renewals
Final report and no-cost extension
Collaborative work time