2025 Summit for Water: Nature-Based Solutions: Science to Policy to Practice
Join WATER Institute for the 2025 Saint Louis University Summit for Water: Nature-Based Solutions: Science to Policy to Practice on March 19 and 20, 2025.
2025 SLU Summit for Water
Saint Louis University’s WATER Institute and the National Great Rivers Research and Education Center (NGRREC) are proud to present the 2025 SLU Summit for Water: Nature-Based Solutions: Science to Policy to Practice.
Join leaders and experts from academia, industry, nonprofits and government at the SLU Summit for Water to share ideas, learn about the latest research, and tackle some of the most critical and persistent challenges facing our most fundamental resource: water. The sixth annual SLU Summit for Water will focus on nature-based solutions and how to translate science to policy and policy to practice, engaging stakeholders across sectors and disciplines to join the WATER Institute’s mission of advancing water innovation to serve humanity.
2025 Summit Highlights
Wednesday, March 19
Location: Busch Student Center Main Floor
Registration opens for the in-person summit. Coffee will be available to attendees.
Location: Busch Student Center Wool Ballrooms, Rooms 171-172
- Amanda Cox, Ph.D., P.E., director of the WATER Institute, will welcome attendees and share key announcements.
- Dick Warner, senior scientist, National Great Rivers Research; professor emeritus, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
- Michael Lewis, Ph.D., SLU's provost and chief academic officer, will provide the opening address to kick off the 2025 SLU Summit for Water.
This panel session will introduce nature-based solutions and discuss their essential role in addressing today’s water challenges. Nature-based solutions leverage our understanding of natural systems to improve water quality, reduce flood risks, enhance climate resilience, and support biodiversity. Panelists from this session will highlight the importance of implementing nature-based solutions to ensure water access and resilience.
- Derek Hoeferlin, principal architect at [dhd] derek hoeferlin design, professor and chair of landscape architecture, Washington University in St. Louis
- Rob Pulliam, nature-based solutions coordinator, The Nature Conservancy
- Teresa Baraza, Ph.D., post-doctoral research associate in biogeochemistry, National Great Rivers, Saint Louis University WATER Institute
Enjoy coffee or hot tea and network with fellow attendees between sessions.
This panel session will focus on the science of nature-based solutions, and how current research efforts can support the development of new and improved solutions to different water challenges.
- Rachel Opitz, Ph.D., program manager, Geospatial Innovation for Food Security Challenge, Taylor Geospatial Institute
- Alejandra Botero-Acosta, Ph.D., research scientist, WATER Institute, Saint Louis University
- Jean Potvin, Ph.D., professor, SLU Department of Physics
- Dick Warner, senior scientist, National Great Rivers Research; professor emeritus, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
This panel session will address the implementation of nature-based solutions in real-world scenarios. Panelists will share their expertise in translating science to policy, as well as discuss how they have dealt with challenges in their work.
- Heather Navarro, J.D., director, Midwest Climate Collaborative
- Sierra Schuchard, project coordinator, America's Watershed Initiative
- Ellen Gilinsky, Ph.D., senior science and policy advisor, National Great Rivers
- Orhun Aydin, Ph.D., assistant professor, SLU Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
Complimentary boxed lunches and soft drinks will be provided to in-person attendees.
Amanda Cox, Ph.D., director of the WATER Institute and associate professor of civil engineering, will share remarks on water security while welcoming keynote speaker, Todd Bridges, Ph.D.

Keynote Speaker Biography
Todd S. Bridges, Ph.D.
Professor of Practice, Resilient and Sustainable Systems
Institute for Resilience Infrastructure Systems and College of Engineering, University
of Georgia
Todd Bridges, Ph.D., is a professor of practice in resilient and sustainable Systems in the College of Engineering at the University of Georgia. Before joining UGA in 2023, Bridges was a research scientist for 30 years with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), where for 17 years he served as the Army’s Senior Research Scientist (ST) for Environmental Science. Over his career, Bridges has led more than $250 million in research projects and programs. In 2010, he founded and then led the Corps’ Engineering With Nature program. Among his 100 publications, Bridges led a five-year collaboration across the public and private sectors to develop and publish International Guidelines on Natural and Nature-Based Features for Flood Risk Management. Bridges received a Distinguished Presidential Rank Award from President Joe Biden in 2021 for exceptional leadership, accomplishments and service.
This panel session will explore different ways in which nature-based solutions are currently being implemented in the region. Panelists will share their experiences in the field of nature-based solutions applications and highlight the successes and challenges that they have experienced.
- John Vogel, natural history biologist, Missouri Department of Conservation
- Allison Joyce, sustainability programs manager, Deer Creek Watershed Alliance, Missouri Botanical Garden
- Steve Roberts, MSD Department of Development Review
- Paige Mettler-Cherry, Ph.D., director of operations and strategic initiatives, National Great Rivers
This panel session will provide a final reflection on how nature-based solutions may help us address future challenges in a changing planet. Panelists will share their insights and expertise on addressing how nature-based solutions may be implemented in the future, and how they will be an essential tool to address ongoing and future water challenges.
- Emily Hite, Ph.D., assistant professor, SLU Department of Sociology and Anthropology
- Sayan Dey, Ph.D., research scientist, Taylor Geospatial Institute and WATER Institute
- Jean Potvin, Ph.D., professor, SLU Department of Physics
Amanda Cox, Ph.D., P.E., director of the WATER Institute, will provide concluding remarks to close the summit's first day
Location: Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering Building, Atrium (First Floor Entrance) and WATER Institute Research Labs (Lower Level).
Attendees are invited to a networking reception in the new Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering Building for light appetizers, wine, beer and non-alcoholic beverages
Thursday, March 20
Zoom Webinar
Please register to receive the Zoom Webinar link. If you have already registered and have not received the event link, please email water@slu.edu at your earliest convenience.
- Amanda Cox, Ph.D., P.E., director of the WATER Institute, will welcome attendees and introduce the WATER Institute.
- Paige Mettler-Cherry, Ph.D., director of operations and strategic initiatives, National Great Rivers, will welcome attendees to the Summit.
- Jean Potvin, Ph.D., professor of physics, Saint Louis University, will share key announcements and introduce the presenters.
Orhun Aydin, Ph.D.
Assistant professor
Saint Louis University
Associate Taylor Geospatial Institute
PI Water Institute
Abstract: The project ADAPT-STL aims to establish a Climate Resilience Center (CRC) at Saint Louis University with the goal of building regional resilience to heat islands in St. Louis, Mo. The objectives include generating primary climate data through a community-driven weather station network, developing a super-resolution urban micrometeorological model using the Department of Energy’s Energy Exascale Earth System Model (E3SM), and creating a decision support tool in collaboration with community and local government representatives. The project seeks to engage local communities in defining the impacts of climate risk, increase awareness of climate change effects, and empower communities with climate data to support resilience projects and green infrastructure development. Through these efforts, ADAPT-STL endeavors to foster a resilient St. Louis by leveraging community engagement, advanced science, and collaborative decision-making to combat the urban heat island effect.
Biography: Orhun Aydin, Ph.D., is an assistant professor at Saint Louis University in the Department of Earth, Environmental and Geospatial Science and in the Department of Computer Science (by courtesy). He leads the AI-CHESS Lab, focusing on geospatial machine learning (GeoAI) and sensor networks for sustainability and resilience problems. He addresses sustainability problems using Earth observations, in-situ measurements, physical process models, and GeoAI methods. At SLU, he leads the DoE-funded Resilience Center, ADAPT-STL to address regional climate resilience challanges.
Shelby Weiss, Ph.D.
Post-doctoral research associate
National Great Rivers Research and Education Center
Abstract: Throughout much of the Upper Mississippi River System (UMRS), floods in 1993 and 2019 set records and were followed by high tree mortality rates. These events generated interest in understanding how floodplain forest tree species tolerate flooding and how communities are shaped by large-scale floods. We investigated forest successional patterns and tree survivorship following both flood events and how flood attributes differed spatially in the UMRS. Forest surveys were conducted in eight reaches of the Upper Mississippi and Illinois Rivers in 1995, documenting vegetation species composition, size and abundance. In 2021, a selection of sites from each reach were resurveyed to quantify 2019 flood effects. For site locations, we extracted daily inundation data for the flood years and preceding decades from a surface water inundation model and explored relationships between site-specific inundation attributes and species mortality. Sites following similar trajectories in composition and structure were identified using a multivariate community trajectories analysis framework. We found post-flood mortality varied spatially, reflecting inundation patterns. The greatest change in composition occurred at sites with high 1993 flood mortality in more flood-prone locations or with smaller diameter individuals. In sites dominated by either Quercus spp. or Populus deltoides, species importance shifted toward more shade and flood-tolerant species after 1995 surveys, indicating ongoing flood regime shifts may be affecting regeneration of some once-dominant species. Overall, effects on floodplain forests from large-scale flooding in the UMRS were heterogenous; forests changed at different rates, likely influenced by flood regime shifts as much as by singular flood events.
Biography: Shelby Weiss, Ph.D., is an ecologist and forest ecosystem modeler interested in understanding forest dynamics and quantifying their responses to ecological disturbances and climate change across scales. Currently, Shelby is a post-doctoral research associate with NGRREC. She collaborates with scientists at NGRREC, the USGS, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers on multiple projects focused on floodplain forests in the Upper Mississippi River System. These projects include evaluating the impacts of large-scale flood events on vegetation communities and their species-level responses to inundation, investigating relationships between floodplain vegetation and groundwater dynamics, and developing a framework for long-term monitoring of floodplain vegetation.
Bo Wang, Ph.D.
Assistant professor
Department of Earth, Environment, and Geospatial Sciences
Saint Louis University
Abstract: River bifurcations play a vital role in distributing water and sediment across floodplains and deltas, yet accurately estimating discharge ratios between branches remains difficult. This study leverages satellite imagery and in-situ data to assess discharge partitioning at 27 bifurcations across 11 global rivers. Results show that remotely sensed channel widths, combined with an empirical width-discharge equation derived from USGS data, effectively predict discharge ratios (R² = 0.82) when measured within one channel width downstream of the bifurcation. The approach succeeds in 23 of 27 cases but falters where tributaries, avulsions, or multiple branches complicate flow dynamics. These findings offer a scalable method to enhance discharge estimates from the SWOT satellite mission, improving our understanding of flow dispersal in anabranching river systems.
Biography: Bo Wang, Ph.D., specializes in sediment transport and morphological changes of alluvial rivers. His current research focuses on river avulsion and anabranching, utilizing in-situ measurements and geospatial techniques. Wang earned his Ph.D. in geography from Louisiana State University, where he also received a master’s degree in hydrology. His doctoral research examined the impacts of river engineering on sediment transport, bar formation, and riverbed deformation in the Lower Mississippi River. Before moving to the United States in 2012, he obtained both a bachelor’s and a master’s degree from China University of Geosciences.
Elizabeth Hasenmueller, Ph.D.
Associate director, WATER Institute.
Associate professor
Department of Earth, Environmental and Geospatial Science
Saint Louis University
Abstract: Microplastics are ubiquitous environmental pollutants, yet little is known about their transport and distribution in large rivers. This study quantified and characterized microplastics under varying flow conditions and throughout the water column of the Mississippi River (United States). Timeseries samples were collected from the river’s surface at St. Louis, Missouri, every ~4 days during a historic flood in 2019 and biweekly under lower flow conditions in 2019-2020. The microplastic concentrations (6.0±3.0 counts/L) and compositions (predominantly fibers that were frequently clear, blue, black, and red) in our temporal samples did not fluctuate as a function of discharge or other indicators of new water inputs. When we assessed samples collected throughout the Mississippi River’s water column at East Alton, Illinois, we found that the microplastic amounts (7.0±3.5 counts/L) and assemblages (mostly clear, blue, black, and red fibers) were similar to the timeseries samples. We observed no relationship between water velocity and microplastic abundances across the channel. Instead, localized variations in land use may explain the minor differences in microplastic concentrations across the river. The microplastic amounts did not change as a function of river depth. However, we saw evidence of varying microplastic compositions between surface and deeper samples, which is potentially the consequence of varying polymer buoyancy. Microplastic chemostasis and homogeneity at our Mississippi River sites during a historic flood event contrast with prior observations of changing microplastic concentrations and assemblages during discharge perturbations. Our results may therefore indicate variable transport processes with river scale that could be applicable to additional segments of the Mississippi River or other large river systems.
Biography: Liz Hasenmueller, Ph.D., is the associate director of the WATER Institute and an associate professor in the Department of Earth, Environmental, and Geospatial Science at Saint Louis University. Her research focuses on (1) identifying the origin and transport of contaminants through the critical zone, (2) understanding spatial and temporal variations in hydrology and geochemistry to identify anthropogenic influences on water resources, and (3) determining the role of biogeochemical processes on nutrient budgets and weathering. To examine geochemical and hydrological processes over multiple scales in space and time, her research incorporates a variety of methods such as field sampling, laboratory experiments, analytical techniques, and theoretical modeling.
Sk Muhammad Asif
Graduate assistant
Department of Earth, Environmental, and Geospatial Science,
Saint Louis University
Abstract: Water management in agriculture is a critical component of the food-water nexus, particularly in regions facing water scarcity. Fallowing is an agricultural practice essential for improving soil fertility, conserving water, and enhancing crop productivity, particularly in semi-arid and arid regions. Identifying fallow lands is particularly crucial in understanding variations in agricultural water use. Two prominent challenges in identifying fallowing are the wide variety of textures observed during fallowing and limited reporting for fallowing, making its detection challenging compared to other agricultural land use types. This study evaluates deep learning-based segmentation and anomaly detection techniques to explore the potential of successful fallow field identification. We employ a UNet (with ResNet-18 and ResNet-50 backbones) segmentation with anomaly detection methods, specifically Isolation Forest (IRF) and One-Class SVM. We used Sentinel-2 imagery and USDA Cropland Data Layer as input and ground truth labels respectively for supervised learning. From the model diagnostics, we observe that UNet with ResNet-50 achieves up to 91% accuracy and 0.83 IoU using the Focal loss function, while UNet with ResNet-18 attains 90% accuracy and 0.82 IoU. In contrast, the anomaly detection methods yield lower performance, with IRF reaching 81.6% accuracy but a low IoU of 0.0163 and One-Class SVM attaining 30.8% accuracy but a higher IoU of 0.1618. These findings entail the strength of deep learning-based segmentation in capturing spatial patterns of a relatively sparse category. By advancing fallow field detection techniques, this state-of-the art research contributes to improved water management strategies, enabling policymakers and agricultural stakeholders to optimize irrigation planning and land use decisions.
Please enjoy an opportunity to step away from your computer and grab some lunch.
Christiane Hoppe-Jones, Ph.D.
Senior scientist
American Water
Abstract: Algal blooms in water bodies are not just unsightly but can also present challenges for the community and its water providers. Beyond aesthetic (i.e., color, odors, etc.), blooms present water treatment challenges in removal of taste & odor compounds, treatment & infrastructure costs, supply disruptions. Certain algal species produce a diverse group of toxins, which can impact human and animal health. Presently lab based HABs monitoring methods (e.g., enzyme linked immunosorbent assays, liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry, quantitative polymerase chain reaction) have various limitations (i.e., lack specificity, sensitivity, are slow, or require highly equipped laboratories with advanced technical expertise, etc.). Considering the combination of potential target analytes (i.e., toxins) and the large surface areas of watersheds that often require coverage, most utilities find it difficult, expensive and time consuming to conduct detailed monitoring. Water providers need rapid yet specific algal detection methods to help improve their responsiveness (i.e., planning, treatment and risk mitigation) to bloom events. Hyperspectral imagery is an attractive advanced imaging option that employs a wide spectrum (i.e., hundreds of relatively narrow spectral bands, including short wave infrared and visible & near-infrared) to generate unique image signatures.
Carly Koppe
Graduate assistant
Department of Earth, Environmental and Geospatial Science,
Saint Louis University
Abstract: Multi-channel rivers, which account for over half of global river systems, pose significant challenges for water resource management and flood risk assessment due to their dynamic nature. The Surface Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT) satellite mission offers unprecedented capabilities to study these complex river systems. Here we explore different methods used to collect ADCP, depth, and slope calculations used to help validate the NASA SWOT satellite across seven different rivers in Nepal. We also demonstrate how NASA SWOT pixel cloud data can be used to effectively analyze the 60-km long upper Koshi River, a highly dynamic multi-channel system in Nepal. By combining SWOT pixel cloud data (SWOT_L2_HR_PIXC_2.0) water surface elevation data and FABDEM for the floodplain topography, we evaluated and calculated avulsion risk maps by using three established methods based on super-elevation ratios and other geomorphological indicators. Our results reveal previously undetected areas of high avulsion potential and demonstrate that SWOT data can significantly improve our ability to predict river course changes. It also highlights which of the three ratio calculations works the best on the Koshi floodplain to create the most accurate avulsion risk map. This approach provides a powerful new tool for river management and flood risk assessment in complex river systems worldwide, potentially saving lives and reducing economic losses associated with unexpected river avulsions.
Kenan Li, Ph.D.
Assistant professor
Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology
College for Public Health and Social Justice
Saint Louis University
Abstract: Genetic and sociodemographic factors are well-established risk factors for Alzheimer’s disease (AD), but environmental exposures may also play a crucial role. This study examines associations between walkability, green space, tree canopy, light pollution, and cognitive functioning in older adults with and without preclinical AD using a cross-sectional analysis and Generalized Additive Mixed Models, controlling for age, sex, and socioeconomic status. Results indicate that walkability, green space, and tree canopy are positively associated with cognitive performance, while light pollution has a negative impact. Biomarker positivity was not a significant predictor. These findings suggest that urban design and environmental quality influence cognitive trajectories, highlighting the need for future research on interventions aimed at modifying environmental risk factors to delay cognitive decline in preclinical AD.
Biography: Kenan Li, Ph.D., is an assistant professor in the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics at the College for Public Health and Social Justice at Saint Louis University (SLU), a TGI Fellow at the Taylor Geospatial Institute, and a Primary Investigator at SLU's Water Institute. Li also serves as a geospatial data scientist and leads the Geospatial Health Data Analytics Core at the Institute of Clinical and Translational Sciences at Washington University in St. Louis. His research focuses on the intersection of spatial computation, environmental health, and community resilience.
Amanda Cox, Ph.D., P.E.
Director, WATER Institute
Associate professor
Department of Civil Engineering
Saint Louis University
Abstract: A hybrid streambank restoration plan was designed and constructed for streambank stabilization in four sections near the Hickory and Shoal Creek confluence in southwest, Missouri. Both creeks had degraded riparian zones with minimal vegetation and excessive bank erosion. The restoration goals were to prevent erosion, improve water quality, and create a better aquatic ecosystem within the area. The comprehensive effort involved field data collection, numerical modeling, and the development of detailed engineering plans and specifications. The selected hybrid restoration approach combined hard engineered elements to ensure stability with the strategic incorporation of vegetation and woody debris to revitalize the riparian corridor and maximize ecological benefits. The streambank stabilization methods included in the restoration were bank regrading, longitudinal stone toes, log vanes, root wades, seeding, and live stake planting. The stabilization features were constructed during the summer of 2024 and will continue to be monitored.
Biography: Amanda Cox, Ph.D., is the director of the WATER Institute and an associate professor of civil engineering at Saint Louis University. Her areas of expertise include hydraulic modeling, river engineering, urban drainage, and erosion and sedimentation. Cox received her B.S. degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Missouri – Columbia, and she received her M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Civil Engineering from Colorado State University specializing in Hydraulic Engineering. Her recent and ongoing research activities focus on addressing water resources analysis and engineering using cutting-edge technologies such as next-generation modeling of river morphological processes, machine learning, image processing, and innovative remote sensing applications.
Annesh Borthakur, Ph.D.
Assistant professor
Civil Engineering
Saint Louis University
Abstract: Rapid urbanization has led to severe environmental challenges, including pollution, water scarcity, ecosystem degradation, and climate change. Traditional engineering solutions to these problems can be expensive and may unintentionally create additional environmental burdens. As a result, research is increasingly focused on developing nature-based solutions that harness natural processes to address these issues in a sustainable and cost-effective manner. Biofilters and bioreactors, if designed effectively, can provide multiple benefits beyond pollution control. These systems not only treat wastewater but also enable energy production and resource recovery, turning waste into valuable resources. This presentation highlights our research on developing bioreactors that efficiently treat various waste streams while recovering energy and essential nutrients. Our work focuses on understanding the complex interactions between microorganisms, pollutants, and solid media to optimize pollutant removal, microorganism growth, and nutrient assimilation. By leveraging microbial activity, these systems can break down contaminants, generate bioenergy, and recover valuable elements such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and rare earth elements.
Biography: Annesh Borthakur's research is focused on the symbiotic connections between algae, bacteria and fungi. He studies how these microorganisms interact with each other and form symbiotic connections to increase their chances for survival. He uses these symbiotic connections to develop nature-based bioreactors with multiple functionalities including resource recovery, carbon capture, water treatment and remediation. Through his research, he aims to create scalable, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly technologies that contribute to sustainable urban development. Our findings provide insight into designing high-performance bioreactors that not only mitigate pollution but also support a circular economy by transforming waste into useful resources.
The conference is free to attend and open to the public.
Registration for the summit can now be completed online.
PDH Certificates
We will offer completion certificates to professional engineers for professional development hours for each session you attend on the day of the event. Based on Missouri guidelines, the panels and the keynote presentations will each earn one hour, and each research presentation will earn 0.5 hour. Please indicate during registration that you would like to receive PDH certificates. After the event, we will verify your attendance and follow up with the certificates in PDF format.
Unfortunately, we cannot provide certificates for those who view the recorded content after the summit.
Thank you to our 2025 SLU Summit for Water sponsors:
River Channel Champions

Delta Defenders

About the WATER Institute
The Water Access, Technology, Environment and Resources (WATER) Institute at Saint Louis University is an interdisciplinary research institute with the mission of advancing water innovation to serve humanity. To learn more, please visit slu.edu/water.
About National Great Rivers
Our mission at National Great Rivers is to study the ecology of the great rivers, the workings of the watersheds that feed them, and the ties to the river communities that use them. To learn more about our organization, please visit ngrrec.org.
Please contact Amanda Cox, director of the WATER Institute, at water@slu.edu with questions or concerns regarding this event.