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Kevin Lynch: Hyper-Focused on Research Communications

by Bob Grant

In 2017, as he was finishing his undergraduate degree in English and communication at Saint Louis University, Kevin Lynch wasn’t terribly aware of research at SLU. “

When I was a student, I didn’t really know anything about research happening at the University,” he said. “SLU faculty and students have been doing outstanding research for many years, but I don’t think people consciously thought of SLU as a leading research institution, even on campus.”

Headshot for Kevin Lynch, OVPR senior communications manager

Kevin Lynch, OVPR senior communications manager

Something else that Lynch didn’t know at that time was that he would have a hand in changing that situation after graduation. As a senior, Lynch served as president of SLU’s Student Government Association (SGA). In this role, he was invited to participate in a variety of University initiatives and events, putting him in contact with vice presidents across campus and even with SLU’s Board of Trustees. It was at one of these Board of Trustees meetings that Lynch met then-Vice President for Research and Partnerships Ken Olliff. After sharing a brief conversation, Olliff suggested that Lynch might find a professional home in OVPR. In short order, fresh out of his SLU undergraduate experience, Lynch became OVPR’s first senior communications manager. “I was encouraged by the challenge, and that’s how I ended up here,” he said.

He was tasked with telling the story of SLU Research as faculty were racking up accolades, awards, and publications while trending upward in terms of research expenditures. During his time in OVPR, Lynch has supported and overseen a variety of major communication initiatives, including: the relaunch of the website in 2017; the announcement of the SLU Research Institute in 2018; developing and executing ongoing communication and content strategies for multiple research centers at SLU; developing and editing various newsletters; launching the Research Institute website, and serving as editor of the SLU Research Institute Annual Impact Report, an extensive report that celebrates the successes of student and faculty researchers from the previous year. Lynch has overseen the production of four Impact Reports, often working with more than a hundred faculty and students in the process. He is hard at work on the next edition, which will introduce a new format.

Reflecting on his time in OVPR, Lynch noted that he was honored to contribute to evolving the complexion of SLU into that of a premier research hub.

“What I’m proudest of is that now we see ourselves as a high-caliber research institution,” he said. “I’m proud of the contributions I made to that, and I’m proud to support our amazing researchers who are making the world a better, healthier and more just place through their research and scholarship.”

Lynch, who described himself as a “naturally curious person,” added that he has delighted in talking with “stellar, smart” members of SLU faculty, especially when they indulged him in chatting about whatever his mind was “hyper-focused” on at the moment — from Roman history to public health to Norse mythology.

In addition to enjoying his interactions with faculty and raising the profile of SLU Research, Lynch said that he has cherished working with his OVPR colleagues over the years. “I have not met a single person in OVPR that I don’t think is not only a good employee but a good person,” he said. “I do not take that for granted. To have coworkers who are kind and decent people is a privilege.”