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Victor J. St. John, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor
Criminology and Criminal Justice

Courses Taught

Institutional and Community Corrections


Ph.D., of Criminal Justice, CUNY Graduate Center | John Jay College of Criminal Justice

M.Phil, Criminal Justice, CUNY CUNY Graduate Center | John Jay College of Criminal Justice

M.A., Criminal Justice, Specialization: Criminal Law and Procedure,  John Jay College of Criminal Justice

Research Interests

Mass criminalization; race and justice; criminal justice architecture; environmental criminology; corrections; reentry; juvenile justice; applied research

Publications and Media Placements

  1. VJ St. John,KL Blount-Hill, K., Mufarreh, A., & Lutgen, L. Safe by Design: An Exploration of Jail-based Injury Across New York City. Journal of Correctional Health Care, 2022
  2. AM Headley, KL Blount-Hill, VJ St John: The Psychology of Justice Buildings: A Survey Experiment on Police Architecture, Public Sentiment, and Race - Journal of Criminal Justice, 2021
  3. VJ St John, V Lewis: " Vilify Them Night After Night": Anti-Black Drug Policies, Mass Incarceration, and Pathways Forward - Harvard Journal of African American Public Policy, 2020
  4. VJ St. John: Placial Justice: Restoring Rehabilitation and Correctional Legitimacy Through Architectural Design - SAGE Open, 2020
  5. VJ St. John: Architectural Design for Mental Health Treatment: Preliminary Findings of Service Provision Using a Space, Layout, and Setting Framework - Advancing Corrections, 2020
  6. VJ St. John, KL Blount-Hill, D Evans, D Ayers, S Allard: Architecture and Correctional Services: A Facilities Approach to Treatment - The Prison Journal, 2019
  7. VJ St John, KL Blount-Hill: Place, Space, Race, and Life During and After Incarceration: Dismantling Mass Incarceration Through Spatial and Placial Justice - Harvard Journal of African American Public Policy, 2019
  8. DN Evans, J Szkola, VJ St. John: Going Back to College? Criminal Stigma in Higher Education Admissions in Northeastern US  - Critical Criminology, 2019
  9. VJ St John: Probation and race in the 1980s: A quantitative examination of felonious rearrests and minority threat theory  - Race and Social Problems, 2019
  10. KL Blount-Hill, VJ St. John: Manufactured “Mismatch” Cultural Incongruence and Black Experience in the Academy - Race and Justice, 2017

Media Placements:

  • Can We End Racial Bias in Juvenile Justice Risk Needs Assessments. The Crime Report. New York, New York. 2020
  • 13 Scholars Shedding Light on The Roots of Racial Injustice, The Graduate Center, City University of New York. New York, New York. 2020
  • Young Adults in City Jails Miss Half of Their Mental Health Appointments. Queens Daily Eagle. Queens, New York. 2019
  • Racism and Probation in the ‘80s: It’s “History Repeating Itself”. SUM. The Graduate Center, City University of New York. New York, New York. 2019
  • New Database Shines Light on Young Adults in NYC Jails. Queens Daily Eagle. Queens, New York. 2019
  • Criminalization Affected His Community, Now He’s Fighting Back. The Graduate Center, City University of New York. New York, New York. 2019
  • Spatial Justice: Legitimacy through Openness, Transparency, and Inclusiveness in Correctional Design. Corrections Today. Alexandria, VA: American Correctional Association. 2018
  • Psychology of Space: Enhancing legitimacy through open, transparent, and inclusive facilities for police and the public. Police Chief Magazine. Alexandria, VA: International Association of Chiefs of Police. 2017.

Honors and Awards

Young Investigators Award. Time-sharing Experiments for the Social Sciences. National Science Foundation. 2019

Best Journal Article Award. Division on Critical Criminology & Social Justice. American Society of Criminology. 2017

Professional Organizations and Associations

  • Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences
  • American Society of Criminology
  • American Jails Association
  • American Correctional Association
  • International Association of Chiefs of Police