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Summer and Extended Studies at Saint Louis University shares important information regarding the summer-winter revenue-share incentive for faculty and staff.

The information below applies to SLU departments that offer summer courses under the revenue-share incentive as well as those that offer courses in the annual winter session.

Memorandum of Agreement for Summer-Winter Courses 

Summer and Extended Studies provides compensation and issues the electronic contracts (academic appointments) for instructors teaching courses eligible for the summer-winter revenue-share incentive. Faculty contracts are submitted the day following the first day of class, as compensation is based on first-day enrollment. The faculty contract will typically be available in Workday for instructors to accept within three to five business days. 

Summer and Extended Studies will send a reminder email to faculty a week prior to the start of each summer session and winter session with information on when instructors can expect to receive the contract. For questions related to faculty contracts and academic appointments, summer-winter instructor pay, or the revenue-share incentive, contact Elizabeth Lawrence, business manager at

Summer-Winter Perpetual Timeline


  • Beginning of May: Email sent to department chairs requesting winter session courses, with instructions on how to set up courses on Courseleaf
  • Mid-June: Reminder email sent to department chairs to set up courses on Courseleaf; courses published on Banner for student view 
  • One week before winter session begins: Email sent to faculty teaching in the winter session with academic appointment overview information
  • Compensation is based on enrollments as of the last day of registration; Academic appointments will be submitted the day after winter registration closes. 
  • Instructors teaching in the winter session will receive one lump sum payment in January payroll (last working day of the month). 


  • Last week of October: Email sent to department chairs requesting summer courses, with instructions on how to set up courses on Courseleaf 
  • One week before summer courses begin: Email sent to faculty teaching in the summer term with academic appointment overview information
  • Second day of each summer term: academic appointments submitted in Workday; compensation is based on first-day enrollments. 
  • Instructors teaching in summer will receive payment in the following ways: 
    • Summer session with end date in June - one lump sum payment in June payroll (last working day of the month).
    • Summer session with end date in August  - one lump sum payment in August payroll (last working day of the month).
    • Summer session with end date in July - one lump sum payment in July payroll (last working day of the month). 
    • Full-term session instructors will receive three equal payments in the monthly payroll for June, July and August. 


What is the breakdown of the summer-winter revenue-share incentive?

Features of the revenue share incentive include: 

  • 52.5% overhead charge is applied to summer-winter gross tuition revenue.
  • Summer and Extended Studies funds provide instructional expenses for each course based on the summer-winter instructor pay scale (information regarding this pay scale can be found in the section on instructor compensation below).
  • The remaining tuition revenue (after removing overhead and direct instructional costs) is split 85% to the school/college dean’s office and 15% to the provost's office.
  • Deans may reserve a portion (not to exceed 10% of the amount allocated to the school or college) to fund other initiatives in the college or school. A dean’s office share, if any, must be decided and disclosed prior to the start of summer or winter courses. The remainder of the allocation is distributed to departments based on tuition revenue generated by the courses offered by the department.
  • Revenue allocated to a department/dean is placed in a ’designated fund’ identified by the chair which can carry over to future fiscal years. Designated funds provide departments with considerable latitude in spending on faculty development, travel, research, equipment, student activities and more.
  • Revenue share allocations occur after all summer/winter classes are completed. Allocation of summer-winter revenue share may take several months after the conclusion of the term/session to allow time to manually aggregate the data across several disparate systems.
What colleges/schools are eligible to participate in the summer-winter revenue-share incentive? 

All colleges and schools within Saint Louis University are eligible to participate in the summer-winter revenue-share incentive, provided that participatory courses meet designated revenue share guidelines (guidelines shared in the next section). 

What courses can be included in the summer-winter revenue-share incentive? 

Departments that offer courses in the summer-winter revenue share adhere to a standard tuition cost of $770 per credit hour.

Courses that can be included in the revenue share in summer and/or winter sessions include the following:

  • Undergraduate courses
  • Undergraduate lecture-based/lab courses 
  • Undergraduate courses not part of a “lock-step” program

Courses not eligible for the summer-winter revenue share are: 

  • Graduate courses 
  • Practicums/clinicals 
  • Internships
  • Capstone courses 
  • Individualized/specialized courses 
  • Zero-credit hour courses

If your department offers courses that could be included in the summer-winter revenue-share incentive, or you have questions about what constitutes a revenue-share course, please contact Jacob Wierson at or 314-977-3534.

How do courses get added in the summer-winter revenue-share incentive? 

Summer and Extended Studies contacts department chairs in the fall to begin the process of submitting courses for summer and winter. This message is sent in May for the winter session and in late October for summer. 

Once department chairs have a list of courses, chairs can work with department administrators to submit courses through the specialized summer-winter workflow on Courseleaf. Courses designated with summer-winter status on Courseleaf allow Summer and Extended Studies to make sure courses meet revenue share incentive guidelines and ensure that revenue share funds are distributed to the proper departments. 

Please view the below slide decks for Courseleaf instructions: 

What is instructor compensation under the summer-winter revenue share incentive? 

Summer and Extended Studies provides compensation for instructors who teach courses that are included in the summer-winter revenue share incentive. Instructor compensation is based on the summer-winter pay scale (for a copy of this pay scale, please contact your department chair). 

Compensation follows this process, and applies to instructors teaching in either summer and/or winter: 

  • Instructor pay will be based on enrollment on the first day of class. For the winter session, instructor pay will be based on enrollments as of the last day to register (early December). 
  • For courses with an enrollment of 1-12 students, instructors will be paid a per-student rate based on 11% of their base annual salary. 
  • Instructors with courses of 13 or more students will be compensated as indicated on the summer-winter pay scale based on 11% of the faculty member's base salary.
  • A salary cap of $10,000 is applied to the 11% when the faculty member’s base salary is greater than $90,914.
  • The multiplier applied in addition to the salary cap is based on the 11% of base salary amount.
  • Adjunct pay will follow SEIU - Adjunct Union Pay Scale for the relevant fiscal year regardless of class size.  If an adjunct is presently paid more than the union rate, the department will need to provide the fund number to which to charge the additional salary.
  • Summer and Extended Studies will submit all summer/winter academic appointments (previously the eMOA process) for courses that participate in the summer-winter revenue share incentive.  The business manager for Summer and Extended Studies will email the business manager for each school/college with revenue-share courses requesting the necessary information to complete the academic appointment submission.  
  • For the winter session, academic appointments will be submitted on Dec. 10 (the day after registration closes) and should be accepted by the faculty member before the first day of winter session (Dec. 14). 

Summer and Extended Studies will provide the budget for instructor pay, but there is an option for a school/college to utilize a portion of their own budget to cover all or a portion of the instructor's salary. This information will be collected from the department’s business manager along with the other pertinent contract information.

When are summer-winter final grades due? 

For more information on when final grades are due for summer-winter terms, please consult the  SLU Academic Policies page