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SPAN 1020: Exploring the Hispanic World: Beginning Spanish

Visiting Young Scholars will offer an introductory, immersive Spanish course through the department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures for eligible high school students. The course will be offered on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. on the campus of Saint Louis University from July 5 - August 14, 2022. 

Residential Spanish Immersion Course

Spanish 1020 is a continuation of the beginning Spanish language series. The content and instruction of the course focus on five fundamental elements of second language learning: reading, writing, listening, speaking and cultural awareness. This course is appropriate for students who have had one to two years of high school Spanish.

In addition to furthering your Spanish language skills, you will be invited to explore the Hispanic World through class activities and out of class local immersion experiences, which will allow you to build your intercultural competence. These activities will be led by a current SLU Spanish student who is working as a summer intern for the Spanish program. You will be required to complete a certain number of immersion/cultural activities as part of your grade for the course.

Finally, you will enjoy a weekend-long residence on SLU’s campus in which you will stay at the dorms with your classmates and experience firsthand residence life. The weekend stay on SLU’s campus will take place Friday, July 29 to Sunday, July 31.

Cost of the program is $1,600, which will include course tuition, field trips, and food/lodging for the residential portion. The deadline to register is Wednesday, March 22, 2022

Dates, Times and Cost

The course will be offered from July 5 - August 14, 2022. The course will be on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. 

Cost of the course is $1,600, which includes the cost of field trips as well as housing and food for the weekend stay on SLU's campus from July 29 - July 31. 


This course, offered through the Visiting Young Scholars program, is a rigorous college experience taught by SLU faculty.  Students who complete this course will receive college credit. 

You are eligible to apply if: 

  • You are entering grades 11 or 12
  • Hold a 3.0 cumulative GPA (on a 4.0 scale)
  • Have parent and high school permission
  • You have had 1-2 years of high school Spanish
Application Process
  1. Fill out the free Visiting Young Scholar application.
  2. On the second page of the application, select "Visiting Young Scholar" under "Application Level."
  3. Have your high school counselor submit your official transcript to
  4. Once your online application is submitted and your transcript is received, the Visiting Young Scholars program will review and be in contact with you for next steps. 

If you are accepted into the program, you and your parent/guardian will receive an acceptance email with course and student information as well as a link to pay the $1,600 tuition for the course. A Visiting Young Scholars staff member will be the one to register you for the course. 

Residential Program 

This course will include a residential weekend, where students will have the opportunity to stay at a SLU residence hall. All food and lodging will be included in the $1,600 tuition fee. 

Immersion Experiences

All immersion experiences will be included in the $1,600 tuition fee. Experiences will include: 

  • Take a tour of Cherokee street and visit local Hispanic-owned businesses
  • Attend the “Fiesta in Florissant,” a festival put on by the Hispanic Festival, Inc.
  • Movie showings featuring films from across the Spanish-speaking world
  • Play bilingual card and board games with your classmates
  • Go out to lunch with your classmates at a local Hispanic restaurant
  • Visit the Museum of Contemporary Religious Art (MOCRA) on SLU’s campus and learn about the Romero cross and the life of Padre Óscar Romero
  • Visit the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce and learn about the local Hispanic population and their impact on the city of St. Louis
  • Participate in a day of service at LifeWise StL, a social service agency serving immigrants in St. Louis
  • Attend Spanish mass at SLU or Saint Cecilia Catholic Church
  • Learn about traditional Spanish music in a virtual lecture with a SLU Madrid faculty member

Transportation details for each of these experiences will be shared with students closer to the start of the program. 


To access the free application for this course, click the link below. If you are accepted into the program, you and your parent/guardian will receive an acceptance email with course and student information as well as a link to pay the $1,600 tuition for the course. A Visiting Young Scholars staff member will be the one to register you for the course. 

Apply Today

Contact Information 

If you have any questions about this course, please contact the Visiting Young Scholars program at or by phone at 314-977-3534.

Learn more about the Visiting Young Scholars program here.